Patricia Pearce Fri, 20 Dec 2019 21:04:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 © Patricia Pearce Patricia Pearce Exploring and experiencing the global awakening into unitive consciousness. Patricia Pearce No Evolutionary Activist--Episode 97: Advent and the Awakened Dream Thu, 05 Dec 2019 01:00:17 +0000

In this week’s podcast episode I share a dream I had in 2018. In this dream I was shown how, with the awakening of Christ consciousness, we become able to create in a way that transcends the manipulation of material form.

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Hello Evolutionaries, and welcome to this week’s podcast episode. Now that we are in the season approaching Christmas, a season that’s known in the Christian tradition as Advent, I wanted to share with you a dream that I had in March of 2018. As you can see, it’s not a dream that came to me during the Christmas season, but it is dream that certainly speaks to what I believe this season is actually pointing to, which is about much, much more than the birth of Jesus. But first I want to share some backstory:

There was a point in my life some years back, many, many years ago when, when I had an awakening experience, and I saw how it is that we are living in a dream and how the world that we are in is a dream. And how we are playing out this idea unconsciously playing out this idea of the separate self.

So we are in a sort of dream state in a sort of a trance state, and I could see that, so very, very, very clearly when I had that experience. Since that time, that awareness in my own mind has come and gone. There are times when I’m quite lucid in the dream, and other times when I’m just as asleep as anyone else. So, that has been part of my journey and my exploration really getting to the bottom of that dream, the dream that we are playing out of the separate self and how it is that we can begin to awaken from that dream and actually come to know ourselves as one with Reality. That is a
little bit of the backstory and it brings us to that evening in March 2018.

I was getting ready for bed and I was deeply contemplating really seeing this separate self as simply a set of ideas . . . the separate self is simply a set of ideas in the mind. As I was contemplating this, in that quiet moment, an image came to me. The image was of our ideas of the mind and they were like Tinker toys, like an assemblage of Tinker toys, these interlocking ideas that together form a concept, or our experience of the separate self. And it is from that concept, that construct of ideas of a separate self, that we live our lives and out of which we experience the world.

I was just receiving that and holding that image, seeing how the separate self is just this compilation of ideas that we both live from and that we believe to be who we are. And so before I went to bed, I just simply posed the question, as I sometimes do when I want clarity on something and I would like a dream to come and instruct me. I asked, what would it be like for us to live, not beholden to that dream that dream of the separate self, that dream of a world that’s based in separateness?

That night I had a dream.

In the beginning of the dream, it was as though there were no clear details offered. But I sensed that things were coming into coherence, synchronicities were increasing and there was this knowing of things beginning to align.

I was then given an image of two sets of pajamas, each sort of the inverse of one another, and I understood that there are layers of dream there are levels of dream and that different versions of myself inhabit different levels of the dream.

For instance, we have the dreaming state when we’re asleep, and we have a dream personality in that level of dream, and then we have our waking dream where we have another version of ourselves that is largely built upon that idea of the separate self, that Tinker toy set of ideas.

So I saw that things were coming into coherence, synchronicities were on the increase, and that there are levels of dream. Then, in the dream, I’m standing outside of the church, and I’m not sure if it’s in Bethlehem, it might be, I’m not sure. But I can hear the music from inside the church. They are singing O Little Town of Bethlehem.

As I’m standing there, I discover that I can paint with light with my hands. I can wave my hand through the air, and create colors, and shapes of colors that are comprised entirely of light they’re like little pixels of color, little pixels of light color.

So there is this creative act that I’m engaged in as I am able to create purely from my hands. There is no material form or material substance involved in this act of creation. And what I am given to understand is that this is The Awakened Dream, this experience is The Awakened Dream.

And then I woke up. I wrote down my notes so that I could remember the dream, and I wanted to share it with you in this season. And over the course of the next several weeks, up until Christmas, I want to unpack that dream and the way that I have come to hear it, especially based on the information that the dream gave me, this little detail: The music coming out of the church was O Little Town of Bethlehem.

So I’m going to share with you some of my insights around that detail of the dream. But the reason that I wanted to share this with you in this particular season, is that I understood that this dream was showing me that when we awaken from that separate self . . . when we awaken from the idea that we are separate from the reality of all being . . . separate from the reality of Love . . . we step into a different way of creating. It is like a divine way of creating, that let there be type of creation that doesn’t depend on manipulating material form. It is a pure act of creation it is light, and it is unlimited.

I actually see us right now, on the planet . . . this consciousness you can call it Christ Consciousness, you can call it non-dual consciousness, you can call it Buddha consciousness, or you can call it unitive of consciousness but this consciousness is being born on the planet right now despite what the newspapers and the media are focusing on. There is this awakening that is happening.

This dream was showing me what is it like when we are in an awakened state in the dream, when we become lucid in the dream. When we are lucid, when we are in an awakened state within the dream, then the dream itself, the world itself, becomes a canvas for creation, not in the egoic way of of trying to manipulate form and manipulate reality, but in a way in which we join with that reality of Love, such that we become co-creators we become creators upon the canvas of the dream of the world.

From that awakened dream a new world dream can come forth, but it can’t happen when we are asleep in the dream, It can’t happen when we continue to hold a state of believing in the separate self. It can’t happen when we live from that set of Tinker toy ideas as though it is who we are. Because that is not who we are.

Who we are is the very thing that Jesus knew himself to be, which is the Christ consciousness this Oneness with the reality of Love. That is our true nature and that is what we are awakening to.

The turmoil and the challenges that are happening on the planet today are a catalyst for the awakening of our own Christ consciousness, our own non-dual consciousness. So this is I want to explore with you during this season of Advent. To search out what it looks like for us to understand that we are Bethlehem, that you are Bethlehem, that I am Bethlehem, that this planet is Bethlehem the place where the Christ Consciousness is being born. And what I want to explore with you is what it means for us each to live into that and to accept that and to say yes to that.

And until next week, I bid you peace.

dream, Bethlehem, ideas, consciousness, Christ consciousness, season, share, separate, awakening, creation, reality, understood, light, explore, contemplating, non-dual consciousness, advent, backstory, live, planet

Soundtrack music Changing by Borrtex, licensed under Creative Commons (BY-NC 4.0)

]]> 0 In this week’s podcast episode I share a dream I had in 2018. In this dream I was shown how, with the awakening of Christ consciousness, we become able to create in a way that transcends the manipulation of material form. Do you enjoy listening to the Evolutionary Activist Podcast? Consider becoming a sponsor. Learn more. Are [...] No No 40:46 Patricia Pearce