Patricia Pearce Thu, 19 Dec 2019 20:44:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 © Patricia Pearce Patricia Pearce Exploring and experiencing the global awakening into unitive consciousness. Patricia Pearce No Evolutionary Activist--Episode 99: Christness and the Feminine Principle Thu, 19 Dec 2019 01:00:17 +0000

We continue to explore the dream I shared in Advent and the Awakened Dream, this week looking at the role the feminine principle plays in bringing forth unitive, or Christ, consciousness.

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Hello evolutionaries, and welcome to this week’s podcast episode. This week, I want to continue what we’ve been exploring the last two weeks looking at the season of the birthing and the emergence of Christ consciousness. If you haven’t listened to the last two podcast episodes, I really encourage you to pause this recording, and to go back and listen to those two so that you’ll understand the context of what we’re exploring this week.

If you remember, two weeks ago I shared with you that dream that I had that showed me what the awakened dream looks like. And it showed me the kind of co-creative capacity that we have when we move outside of that ego-mind of separateness. And I also shared that little dream detail that I had this experience in the dream of this capacity to create in that way, while standing outside of a church while they were singing O Little Town of Bethlehem.

And so in my dream work around this dream, I really looked into that song more closely and the lyrics, and I really heard these lyrics then as a message to us, those of us who are on the Earth right now in this in this time of tumult, this time in which this egoic story is spinning out of control, having come to the end of its of its capacity to be our guiding force, and simultaneous with that, we have this emergence of this universal consciousness or non-dual consciousness or Christ consciousness.

So that’s what we’re exploring in this season of Advent. And last week, if you remember, we looked at the first stanza of that song, and looked at Earth as being Bethlehem, of Earth’s purpose as being the place where this consciousness is brought forth, this consciousness comes into embodied existence, into the world form. So Earth as Bethlehem.

Well, this week, I’d like to look at the second stanza of that song, and in particular, the first line, which says, For Christ is born of Mary, and I want to just allow that to sink in for a moment: For Christ, or Christ Consciousness, is born of Mary. And what is Mary? Mary is the feminine principle, Mary is the power of yin. The feminine principle is that which brings into form this Christ consciousness.

And of course, we’ve been on the planet for several millennia now in a patriarchal mindset in which the feminine principle has been marginalized. And right now, that feminine principle is coming back. It’s coming back into our awareness. And so we have this rebalancing now of the masculine and the feminine and this thing that’s been out of balance for so long, and that this Christ consciousness, this universal consciousness is not born of that patriarchal mindset, or the masculine energy that is out of balance such that it tries to force things to happen.

So these energies, these principles, the masculine and the feminine, are coming into alignment. And this universal consciousness, this Christ Consciousness, is born of Mary.

This feminine principle is the capacity to intuitively receive and conceive of what wants to come forth. And of course, in the Christian story, Mary is the one who receives this message that this Christ is coming into the world and is going to come into the world through her. And so, Mary is this figure in that in that narrative, in that story, who is able to comprehend what wants to come forth on the planet.

So there is this intuitive capacity to see and understand and comprehend this thing that wants to be born in us, that wants to be born on this planet. So, there is this ability to intuitively conceive of it, and then to say yes to it to receive it to allow it, Mary makes herself available to this divine purpose to this great intention for the planet.

So the feminine principle is that which is able to receive and allow and take into itself this intention, and then to allow that intention to gestate, to give it a safe place, a place of darkness the womb. And in this season, we are in the season, in the northern hemisphere, this season of darkness, this womb energy, in which this thing that has been conceived, can gestate, can take on form. This idea this energy moves into physical existence during this time of darkness. During this time of gestation, in this womb time.

We may often think of our own awakening as something that we have to strive for, something that we have to try to attain. And yet, this is saying, it’s not that at all. What it is, is, it’s about receiving, what we are receiving what we are capable of receiving the truth of this Christ consciousness that is our inherent identity.

And so this Christ conscious, this universal consciousness, is not born through the masculine energy. It’s not born through the energy of striving or making something happen. It is born through this energy of receiving and allowing, and gestating. It is about non-doing, and about saying yes to who we are, to what we are, and to what wants to come forth on this planet through us.

So, I would like to just read to you that second verse of this hymn of the song, so that you can hear it again as this message to us from the non-visible realm. These words of assurance of reassurance and in a sense guidance for us during this Advent season on the planet

And in the second stanza, I’ve changed some of the lyrics to remove the patriarchal flavor of them so that we can hear it in a new way and with fresh ears. So listen to these words as a message to us.

For Christ is born of Mary
And gathered all above
While mortals sleep, the angels keep
Their watch of wondering love
O morning stars together
Proclaim the holy birth
And praises sing to Love
to bring Its peace to all on earth.

And until next week, I bid you peace.


christ consciousness, feminine principle, planet, mary, receiving, bethlehem, second stanza, capacity, week, born, patriarchal mindset, earth, consciousness, dream, universal consciousness, conceive, exploring, lyrics, energy, christ

Soundtrack music Changing by Borrtex, licensed under Creative Commons (BY-NC 4.0)
]]> 1 We continue to explore the dream I shared in Advent and the Awakened Dream, this week looking at the role the feminine principle plays in bringing forth unitive, or Christ, consciousness. Do you enjoy listening to the Evolutionary Activist Podcast? Consider becoming a sponsor. Learn more. Are you ready to BE the change? Click the circle. [...] No No 40:46 Patricia Pearce