Patricia Pearce Mon, 30 Dec 2019 17:30:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 © Patricia Pearce Patricia Pearce Exploring and experiencing the global awakening into unitive consciousness. Patricia Pearce No Evolutionary Activist--Episode 101: Our Perfect 2020 Vision Wed, 01 Jan 2020 17:00:17 +0000

We are constantly encouraged to see the world, others, and ourselves through the distorting lenses of the ego mind. Perfect vision, though, sees through the eyes of Love. What would it mean for us in the year 2020 to reclaim that perfect vision for ourselves?

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Hello, Evolutionaries and welcome to this week's podcast episode.

First of all, I just want to say Happy New Year Happy 2020 and when I hear 2020 the thing that immediately springs to my mind is vision. We use 2020 as our measure of what we consider to be perfect vision. And so I wanted to talk about our 2020 vision, and especially in terms of where we are culturally right now, and what it might mean for us as evolutionary activists to improve our vision.

I wear eyeglasses, I don't know if you do, but whenever I go to the eye doctor if you wear glasses, you've also had this experience she sits me down in her chair and she lights up the chart on the far wall, and she puts this contraption in front of my face. Then she flips through these different lenses (she has me cover one eye) and flips through these different lenses and asks me which one is clearer, and she'll go back and forth. She'll say, Number five? And then she flips it. Or number six? And then she'll go back. Number five? . . . Or number six? And she keeps doing that with both eyes until she's gotten to a point where I can read the smallest line on the chart.

Well, that's what we need when when we need corrective vision.

What I want to talk about today, as we think about this year of 2020, is what it means for us as evolutionary activists in this time to have perfect vision. And the reason that I say this is that we are being offered all sorts of distorting lenses through which to see the world and through which to see one another.

We are constantly being offered lenses that would have us see the world through this filter of division, and judgment and enemies and us and them. We're actually being bombarded with these glasses through which to see the world that completely distort Reality. And as I've said before in this podcast, Reality is Love. Love is Ultimate Reality.

So whenever we are seeing the world in any way that is not a way of Love, whenever we're seeing the world in a way that Love would not see the world, then we are wearing lenses of distortion, lenses that, as you know if you've listened to this podcast, are lenses of the ego mind which sees the world through this idea, this notion of separateness. And then from that springs all of the rest that comes: the enemies, the judgment, the comparison, all of that.

So, I wanted to to highlight this for us this week as we enter this new year, especially given the fact that in 2020, in this year of 2020, as the presidential campaign in the US really ramps up, we are going to be encouraged more and more intensely to put on those eyeglasses of division. To see everything through this idea of us and them. We will be bombarded with this temptation to put on those glasses of the ego mind, that fake news, those fake lenses, and to see the world through those lenses to see the world through fear, to see the world through division.

Those are the glasses that we are going to be offered through the media. And I believe that it is our task as evolutionary activists to decline to wear those glasses, to decline to see the world through those lenses or to see others through those lenses.

So these lenses of distortion come to us from the external world, from the media and so forth. But I also think that it's important for us to recognize that those lenses of distortion also exist in our own mind that in our own mind we have these ideas of separateness, we have these ideas that we have to compare ourselves to others. We have these ideas of unworthiness. All of these things also are the lenses of distortion in our own mind.

Now, over the course of the years, as I've gone back to my eye doctor, there are times, there years, when she needs to increase my prescription. It's a gradual process. I didn't show up one day going from 2020 vision to terrible vision, and my vision is not terrible, but it does need correction, especially for distance.

So what I want to highlight is that it's a gradual process of losing one's perfect eyesight. And in the same way, it's a gradual process for us to divest from those lenses of distortion.

I don't think it's realistic for us to expect that one day we're going to wake up and we're just going to take those glasses off, and we'll be done with it. That's not my experience. In my experience there are moments when we might have perfect vision. We have these moments when we see through the eyes of Love. When we see through the eyes of Joy and Gladness, that radiant, perfect vision. We have these moments of perfect vision.

But in my experience, those glasses come back on and it's more like a gradual process of reducing that distortion incrementally, of choosing over and over and over again not to subscribe to these ideas of fear, not to subscribe to these ideas of separateness and enemies and all of that.

So it's a gradual process. And you can imagine, it's like sitting in that chair at the eye doctor's, except that this time the lenses are getting less and less strong. They're getting more and more simply transparent. So that over time, we now see perfectly.

And what it means to see perfectly is to see through the eyes of Love, to see all things and all people through the eyes of love. And that includes ourselves to see ourselves solely through the eyes of Love.

And so I offer this up to all of us as a collective intention that we can hold as we enter this year of 2020. That we set as an intention to less and less buy into that distortion of the ego mind and to more and more choose to see the world, to see others, to see ourselves through the eyes of Love that is Ultimate Reality, and it is the truth of who we are.

And until next week, I bid you peace.

lenses, distortion, gradual process, vision, eyes, evolutionary, glasses, separateness, eyeglasses, ideas, activists, mind, podcast, offered, flips, year, world, distort, bombarded, division

Soundtrack music Changing by Borrtex, licensed under Creative Commons (BY-NC 4.0)
]]> 0 We are constantly encouraged to see the world, others, and ourselves through the distorting lenses of the ego mind. Perfect vision, though, sees through the eyes of Love. What would it mean for us in the year 2020 to reclaim that perfect vision for ourselves? Do you enjoy listening to the Evolutionary Activist Podcast? [...] No No 40:46 Patricia Pearce