I had a dream the other night in which I am given a blessing that I am to impart to a male friend of mine. The blessing is single word: Trust. (The man is someone I know in waking life, someone who is deeply in tune with his intuition and with his feminine aspect.)
Later in the dream, after I’ve shared with him the blessing, I see my friend practicing it by standing in front of a mirror and repeatedly shrugging his shoulders.
As I was doing some yoga the following morning, the dream came back to me and I could see that it was depicting the animus, or the male energy, being relieved of a tremendous burden it has carried: the need to know.
In the dream my friend was shrugging his shoulders, expressing his willingness to not-know, which is what trust requires.
I have written so many times about this global transition we are in in which we are moving into a new consciousness on the planet, into a Reality we have never experienced before. We are in a time of Unknowing, and what is required of us now is trust.
What is unfolding on Earth has its own intelligence, its own intention, its own process, and it isn’t our responsibility to make it happen. It is something we open to and allow to happen within us.
This shift in consciousness coincides with the end of the patriarchal era and the liberation of the male energy from having to dominate and control, which has been such a core aspect of patriarchy. And this need to dominate and control hasn’t been the domain solely of men. Most of us have been socialized to believe that it is up to us to know, to figure things out and execute a plan for our lives, and even for the world.
Thankfully, the feminine principle is rapidly on the rise. And although some men, and even some women, find that threatening and are doing all they can to stave it off (an effort doomed to fail, I might add), we will all ultimately discover how liberating it is to be freed of this heavy burden. We will discover the relief that comes from giving ourselves permission to shrug our shoulders and stand in not-knowing.
The feminine energy that is bringing about this shift in consciousness is not about dominating, but about relating. It is an energy from which creation happens not through trying to make things happen, but by joining our energy, our imagination, our beingness, our will with what wants to happen—even when we can’t see clearly what that is.
thank you so much for this deeply calming message, Patricia … it spoke simply and clearly to my need to have ‘words’ for the truth i feel arising in us … appreciating the gift of you, with Love,