Many years ago I had a dream that shed light on the awakening process that is taking place on this planet. Since it has been such a touchstone for me in this time of collective turbulence and fear, I’d like to share it with you.
I have been taken into the future. I look around, and see that the Earth is flourishing and the people are living simply and in harmony with nature. I can feel that the world is at peace.
Ecstatic, I say to myself, “Yes! We did it! We humans did it! We made the shift in consciousness!”
As I walk around I come to a circle of children seated on the grass. Sitting with them is a woman wearing a gown and kufi made of embroidered fabric, clothing that conveys both earthiness and wisdom. I realize she is their teacher.
The children are reading for her short pieces they have written. As one boy reads his, something in it suggests judgment. The teacher gently tells him that in Eudomy, and this I realize is the name of this place, there is no judgment.
The Land of Truth
When I woke from the dream, its feeling of peace and wellbeing lingered with me, and I was intrigued by the name of the land where Earth is thriving and all living beings are at peace: Eudomy. What was the dream telling me with this name? I began to listen in for its meaning.
The Greek prefix eu– means true, right or good, while dom, which comes from the Old English, refers to a state of being, such as freedom, or an area of jurisdiction such as a kingdom—the area in which a king has jurisdiction. So Eudomy is a realm or state of being in which truth and goodness have jurisdiction.
The name Eudomy also suggests eudaimonia, a Greek word referring to the state or condition of “good spirit,” often translated into English as “happiness.” This, according to Aristotle, was the highest human good.
Getting to Eudomy
This state of wellbeing and a world of peace is what so many of us long for, and sense is on our collective horizon. So the question becomes, how do we get to this state of being in which truth and goodness have jurisdiction? How do we come into the land of Eudomy?
Thankfully, the dream makes it quite clear: Eudomy becomes our reality when we recognize that judgment doesn’t exist.
If you look around the world today you will see judgment running rampant. In fact, judgment has become so extreme that it has clouded our ability to see the humanity in one another. But in a way that makes perfect sense. As we are on the cusp of this new level of consciousness, the patterns of the old are becoming amplified, burning themselves out in a sense, becoming so hyperbolic that we can finally choose to leave them behind.
Judgment is at the core of the dualistic mind. It is one of the cornerstones of the consciousness of separateness that has given rise to so much devastation and suffering on this planet. In fact, we have been so convinced that judgment is real that we have assumed it to be an essential attribute of the Divine. If you look closely you will see how much our god-concept was built upon this foundation of judgment.
And yet, as the dream was revealing, judgment has never actually existed except in our imagination. As we are becoming increasingly aware—and the unbridled spread of conspiracy theories demonstrates this for us—the human mind is capable of imagining many things and taking them to be real, when in fact they are not.
Living in Eudomy
In the dream, one of the things that moved me was the teacher’s loving response to the young boy when he was beginning to venture into judgment in his writing. She didn’t judge him for judging, or tell him that in Eudomy we don’t judge because judgment is bad—which would itself be a judgment. Rather, she simply sees his judgment for what it is—an innocent mistake that, even though he was able to imagine it, is not real and never could be.
Allow these words to land in you: there is no such thing as judgment. Can you begin to feel the relief and liberation that realization brings? Can you begin to feel a new world dawning from this awareness?
Since having that dream several years ago, I have become aware of all the subtle, and sometimes not so subtle, ways judgment shows up in the world around me and in my own imagination. And when it does, like that young boy, I am learning 1) to not judge it and 2) to trust that is it simply an innocent error in my mind.
I can also feel how both of these dream characters live in me, the young boy who is able to conceive of judgment and the wise Teacher who knows it isn’t real. I find that welcoming them both and allowing them to be in a trusting relationship within me, just as they were in the dream, is the way to experience inner peace.
The New Earth Arises from a State of Being
Although in this moment of so many intersecting global crises we might be tempted to believe that we need to go out and construct the land of Eudomy with our effort and dedication, that isn’t the way it works. The New Earth arises naturally from our state of consciousness, from our awareness of the unreality of judgment, of the universality of Love, and of our union with All That Is. In other words, Eudomy isn’t the product of our effort but the expression of our true being.
Nor is Eudomy a place “out there” or off in the “future.” It exists within us and has always existed within us, even when we were asleep and dreaming our dream of separateness, judgment and fear.
What a gift it is to be alive on this planet at this moment of historic awakening, when consciousness is stirring from its fearful, judgmental dream and coming to know itself as the radiant expression and extension of Love.
I live this : “ Eudomy isn’t the product of our effort but the expression of our true being.”
Thank you, Patricia
Truly beginning to recognise the ‘relief of realisation’
Thank you beloved Patricia for this sacred clarity, certainty and joy these words bring.
Patricia, thanks for sharing! It appears that you have some judgment around conspiracy theories.
From where I sit, I see conspiracy theories as playing a vital role in our awakening process, helping us to question what beliefs and stories in our own minds we take to be absolutely real but which actually have no basis in reality.
Thank you for sharing your depth of dream work. I recently have been experiencing a strong sense of non-judgement and it feels good. Simply put, it is a goodness that comes from within and it makes my heart happy. I choose to spread that good with every smile, handshake and communication. As my Mom would say, (and she had a saying for EVERYTHJING! 🙂 “Walk on the sunny side of the street” and to this day I intentionally cross to the sunny side when there is an option. Many blessings to you Patricia!