In this week’s episode I interview Mary Reed, a profound experiential modern mystic who grew up devoutly agnostic. In 2011, after struggling for eleven years with the impact of veering uncontrollably into otherworldly realms encountering God, Jesus, Buddha, angels and unfathomable wisdom, she left her executive life in Washington, DC for a monastic life in the Himalayas. These events finally turned her life inside out, and now Mary says her work is simply “to joyfully startle humanity awake.”
Today she travels the world detailing stunning mystical insights that reveal wildly inspiring — and sorely needed — perspectives that shed new light on the significance of these extraordinary times.
Mary is the author of the memoir Unwitting Mystic: Evolution of the Message of Love. To learn more, visit her website at unwittingmystic.com, and her YouTube channel.
Please check out my recently released memoir Beyond Jesus: My Spiritual Odyssey.