This past week we saw millions of people, led by young people across the planet, taking to the streets to demand action on climate change.
In this episode I talk about the importance of aligning ourselves with the vision of a thriving planet, because the vision we hold will direct our actions and our choices—and ultimately our future.
Hello, Evolutionaries and welcome to this week’s podcast episode.
This past week, we saw something quite astonishing: We saw tens of thousands of young people—millions even—taking to the streets. Not just young people, but young people led by young people, taking to the streets to demand immediate action in regard to climate change. That was an unprecedented moment: a young generation has stepped into this role, a role of leadership because their elders have not taken it upon themselves to be leaders. The traditional and established leadership has made itself irrelevant by not leading in this issue, and in doing so, they have left a leadership void, and the young people have stepped into that void. Of course, as we know, they are the ones who are going to bear the brunt of most of the effects of climate change.
I imagine that for a lot of us who listen to this podcast, the well being of the Earth is a very, very, very high priority for us, and for a lot of reasons. First and foremost, it is basically an act of love. And it’s an act of compassion, it is an act of caring for life, caring beyond the sphere of our own little tiny life.
When we are in the awareness of a bigger picture, aware of our oneness with all of life—all of life on the planet—how can we not be concerned with the health of the forests, the water, and of the air? It is natural for us to be concerned about life on the planet and it is natural for us to want to be in right relationship with it. We all know that the world that we have created has put into place structures and forms that are not always in harmony with the Earth. It is now becoming clear that we must change, that we must bring forth different ways of being on this planet.
This then is the issue that I want to look at and I want to look at it more deeply than just the policies themselves. I want to go to directly to the vision that drives the policies, the vision that gives expression to the policies and the things that we create and—when it comes to climate change—there are a couple of different visions that we can align ourselves with.
One is the vision of a dying planet where we say: “It’s all over . . . we’re done with . . . we’ve gone past the point of no return . . . there’s no way we’re going to turn this ship around . . . it’s just finished . . . let’s just give it up!” That’s one vision.
The other vision that we can align ourselves, our imaginations, and our minds with, is the vision of a thriving planet. This is a vision of a planet whose human species has awakened to the truth of the oneness with all of life. In this vision, we have stepped up to the plate of this moment. We have stepped up to the plate of this crisis. And we have said, “You know what? We can do this!” And we can do this, we can change our ways of being on this planet and the ways that we generate our energy so that the ways in which we live, and the structures and forms that we create can be done differently. We can, and we will.
I’ve talked before on this podcast about the importance of the imagination, how we use the imagination, and how it is that the inner vision that we align with is the thing that we will manifest. So, as evolutionary activists, I invite us all and I urge us all to step into a vision of a thriving planet and align ourselves with that vision.
It is a vision that needs to be done intentionally and consistently. In our own minds we will see the Earth thriving: we will see the forests alive, thriving and teeming with life. In our own minds we will see soil that is fertile and rich, and in our own minds the rivers and the oceans are clean, pristine, and teeming with life. In our own minds we will see species thriving and humans in harmony with all of life on this planet. You see, when we align ourselves with that vision, we are inviting it into manifestation on this planet. We are inviting it into form.
I know that oftentimes we might feel disheartened, and discouraged, and we might feel disempowered when we look at the magnitude of the problems and all that has to happen in order for this problem to be solved.
But I want us to understand that when we are aligning ourselves with a new and thriving vision, we are feeding it because we are constantly feeding either one vision or the other. We are feeding that vision of a dying planet, or we are lending our imaginative capacity, our very life essence, a life form as co-creators, co-creators who are aligning ourselves with the vision of a thriving planet. And we are doing it in love on behalf of the generations to come.
That new imaginal world will come forth and is coming forth. Therefore, I urge all of us to step in and make this a daily practice, to embody that vision and allow that vision to be embodied in us, knowing that it is from that vision that our choices will be made. It is from that vision that we will direct and decide what the future of this planet will be. So I’m putting out the call to evolutionary activists:
Do what you can in terms of how you use energy, what sort of food you buy and what you eat. Yes, of course, make all of those wise choices, choices which are compassionate, choices based on compassion for all of life on this earth and for the life of all that is yet to come. Those are the compassionate choices that we all want to make, but also, please, I ask you to lend the power of your imaginative capacity as co-creators, and allow the vision of a thriving planet to take hold in you—for it is from there that the future will come forth.
Until next week, I bid you peace.
planet, vision, life, align, thriving, stepped, evolutionary, minds, podcast, activists, teeming, leadership, inviting, future, choices, climate change, void, form, earth