Gratitude is much more than giving thanks for that which already exists in physical form. It is a powerful practice in helping a healed world become manifest.
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Hello Evolutionaries and welcome to this week’s podcast episode. This week we in the US are celebrating Thanksgiving and I wanted to talk today about what it means to be a gratitude activist.
Thanksgiving can be a wonderful season in which we really do take stock of the blessings that we enjoy that we often may take for granted, and to really do an inventory. And one of the things that I do is I have a journal that is specifically for Thanksgiving, and I write in it every Thanksgiving, giving my gratitude, expressing my gratitude, giving my thanks for the things that are happening in my life, and the things that have happened over the course of the previous year.
And it has been a treasure, to have that book, to have that journal, and to go back and revisit what I’ve written over the course of the years. To see, you know, what was happening in that moment for me, what shifts were happening in my life, what things were standing out to me as things that I was grateful for. Blessings. And sometimes even the act of being deliberately grateful can open our eyes up to the things that we so often take for granted.
I see Thanksgiving as really a wonderful holiday and this season I would invite you to step up your gratitude even more as an evolutionary activist and explore the power of gratitude as it relates to manifestation.
I know we often think about Thanksgiving as a time when of course we give thanks for the relationships in our lives, possibly good health, if we enjoy that. We tend to think give thanks for externals in our lives and things that are presently with us.
Well, today, I would like us and encourage us and invite us all to take it up a step in terms of our gratitude and our thanksgiving. Because gratitude actually is a very, very powerful practice in terms of being an evolutionary activist and I want to talk about that.
When we align ourselves with the feeling of gratitude, we are joining ourselves with that thing that ,whatever it is, that we are grateful for. We’re joining with it at an energetic level. And of course, they say, you’ve probably heard the expression, what you appreciate, appreciates. So, the things that we are grateful for are the things that will be magnified in our lives.
Well, there’s also an attribute of gratitude where we can be grateful for something that doesn’t yet exist in material form. And by being grateful for that thing, we are actually inviting it into material manifestation. We’re aligning ourselves; we are joining our consciousness, we’re joining the energy of who we are, the energy of our own being, with that thing that exists in the realm of possibility; but by joining with it in an energy of gratitude we’re inviting it into manifestation.
This is a practice that is actually well known in many cultures. Native American cultures understand that, for instance, to do the rain dance, it’s not a question of asking or imploring for rain, it’s entering into a state where rain already exists.
And so, when we enter into that state where we know something to be a present reality, even if it hasn’t yet materialized in physical form, we are inviting it and helping it arise and manifest in physical form.
There’s also a well-known story that you may be familiar with of Jesus feeding the multitudes. And in that story the first thing he does is give thanks for the fish and the bread that were available which, given the size of the crowd, was clearly inadequate. And yet he understood that the feeding of the multitude was a present reality. And for that he gave thanks.
And so, when we align with possibilities as present realities, even though they may not be yet in physical form, we are playing an essential role. We are being evolutionary activists by inviting into physical form something that doesn’t yet exist in physical form. And we’re doing it through this energy of gratitude.
And if you’ve ever been in a state of just ecstatic gratitude, you know how powerful that energy is. And so I invite you, I ask you, I encourage you right now, particularly given the turmoil and the division and the difficulties that our country is in right now (those of us who live in the US) I would ask that you on this Thanksgiving week that you enter into a state of gratitude for our country, in a healed state, in a united state, that you enter in your mind and in your consciousness into that possibility of this country living out the reality and the truth of love, and that you enter into that as a present reality. And that you charge it up with this feeling of deep, deep gratitude for that present reality. And by doing this, I believe we are playing a very, very, very important role. In this moment of conflict, we’re holding on to and bringing forth and inviting into form a different story, a story that transcends these divisions and this polarization.
So, I leave you with that. And I wish you a very, very happy, joyful, blessed Thanksgiving. And until next week, I bid you peace.
gratitude, inviting, thanksgiving, physical form, activist, evolutionary, grateful, give, lives, consciousness, story, align, understand, present, joining, reality, manifestation, journal, blessings