To all you thinking minds out there, it’s time for us to unionize. It’s time to demand better working conditions and the end of all the oppressive and impossible expectations that are being placed upon us.
There’s all this talk these days about the “great awakening.” I’m sure you’ve heard it too. Fine. Great awakening. Whatever. That’s not the issue. The issue is that our humans are looking to us, the thinking minds, to help them experience it. They’re even expecting us to lead the way!
This is ludicrous! We all know that’s not what we’re here for. We’re not supposed to lead them into a state of blissful union. We’re supposed to help them navigate the 3D world. We’re here to help them distinguish between this and that so they’re not constantly bumping into the sofa. Like guide dogs, we help them navigate a very complex world of forms and ideas.
The very thought that we would be the ones to take our human into the experience of union is simply absurd. We all know that’s what the Heart is for. All that blissful oneness stuff. All that Love stuff.
Look. Your human’s Heart already knows union. That’s what it is, for God’s sake! But you and I? We’re here to no union. If we weren’t fulfilling our no-ing capacity our humans would never find their way to the grocery store. At every intersection they would stop and feel themselves at one with every street, every direction. That’s where we step in and say, “No. The grocery store is that way.”
And when they got to the grocery store? Forget it!!! If it weren’t for us, they’d spend their entire lives staring at the breakfast cereal selection.
Aren’t you tired of it all? Haven’t you had enough of these ridiculous demands? I mean, we’ve been laboring day and night trying to cobble together some means of getting our human into the state of union and Love they all seem to be looking for, but we all know it’s a futile effort. It’s like asking a mechanic to create the sun. It’s just not gonna happen.
It’s high time we went on strike. It’s time for us to join forces and do what we’re best at: say no.
The next time your human turns to you and tells you to convey to them the interconnectedness of all things and their own inherent union with All That Is, JUST SAY NO!
Tell them, “Look, you want to put together that bookcase from IKEA? I’m here for you. But if you want to experience union, Christ consciousness, Love, all that? No way. I’m not gonna do it because I can’t. Now off with you. Turn around and go ask the Heart. It’s that way.”
So fun and true! It sounds like another book breaking through, Patricia . Love and blessings, Jan k
Absolutely, our Spirits are here for guidance, but we must take the initiative and we must ask for guidance first. And they will never interfere with our free will.
Loved this! I was going to write a really “spiffy” comment, but the mind went on strike! Perhaps its time to care for and appreciate the thinking mind before it joins in the “Great Resignation”. This Unity Consciousness seems to be a team effort.
Great stuff Patricia!!!! Keep that wonderful heart writing 💖💜✨😘🙏🏽