Recently I woke up with negative thoughts on my mind. It was as if a radio in my brain had tuned into a station of negativity. I knew it wasn’t how I wanted to start my day, so I asked myself—if my mind were a radio, what station would I want it tuned to?
I decided I wanted to tune my mind to WYNT-–“Why Not?” I imagined an upbeat d.j. announcing, “Good morning! You’re tuned to WYNT—the Radio Station of Possibilities!”
I discovered it’s a really great station. Whenever a new possibility floats through my mind, the upbeat announcer proclaims, “Why not?!” Tuned into WYNT I feel energized, enthused.
It’s so much nicer than KNNT—the alternative station where nothing is possible. Tuned into KNNT, life seems like one big futile effort. The KNNT announcer is a real downer. He goes on and on about how the future is doomed, life is pointless. He instantly shoots down any new idea.
As unpleasant as KNNT is though, I discovered it’s useful in its own bizarre way. It gives me one more chance to practice mindfulness and self-compassion.
It’s really no different than meditation. By noticing what energy I’m tuning into, I’m able to exercise my power not to buy into the negative thoughts that want to take root in my mind. I can patiently and compassionately bring my mind back to the here and now where peace is found.
It’s definitely a practice, and some days I’m better at it than others. But I’m committed to stick with it because I think it’s one of the most important things I can learn in life.
Still, if I had my choice (and actually I do) I’d really prefer to hang out listening to WYNT. It’s just so much more fun. The horizon becomes wide-open. Life feels like an exciting adventure.
It’s the playfulness of WYNT I like the best. Why Not invites me into the sand box of possibilities where I feel like a kid again—open, adaptable, willing to take risks and explore new things. I get to hang out in beginner’s mind where the arteries of my imagination haven’t been hardened by cynicism or certainty.
When I’m tuned into WYNT I don’t know what the future holds, and that feels exciting rather than anxiety-provoking. The destination isn’t the point anyway. The point is about being alive and open to the moment itself.
How about you? Which station is your default? If you don’t care too much for it, you might want to start playing with the dial. I mean, it’s your radio, so why not?
Ed Hamlin says
If I could only remember to keep tuned into this station!!! I seem to get stuck on WYYY (the station that continues to ask the unanswerable questions) like . “Why are we so inhospitable to one another”? Or “Why do the 1% look upon the 99% with such disdain?” or “Why can’t those in power not see what avarice & greed are doing to our planet?” I surmise it’s most likely that every I wants their piece of the pie, and all the others’ pie they can acquire as well!! Maybe I should try WWOE!!!
Patricia Pearce says
Ed, I appreciate your sentiments. Maybe things would shift if more of us stayed tuned to WEWE.
Alice Rowland Leitner says
Yes Ma’am, Patricia—-I hear what you are saying, but finding the key to being positive in one’s life is not always easy though—-This may help it happen. Do you have any particular ideas on getting on track after someone special in your life has passed on?? Thanks for being you!!
Patricia Pearce says
You’re so right that it isn’t always easy!! Right now the words from Ecclesiastes are coming to me, about there being a season for everything, including a time to grieve. Maybe it isn’t so much a matter of getting back on track as it is allowing yourself to be where you are, with the feelings you are feeling. Also, if C. were transmitting a radio program to you from “the other side” what do you suppose she would be saying to you? And what might the call letters be for her station?