Dear Mr. Trump,
At the risk of blowing your cover I want to express my deepest gratitude to you for the monumental challenge you took on in this lifetime to be a catalyst for our awakening.
You have been the asteroid that slammed into the world ego built, and your timing was impeccable because we had gotten so out of alignment with the balance of life on this planet that prior to your arrival our future was very much up in the air.
It was unfathomable to most of us that things could implode so quickly. We have been aghast to see just how fragile our social contract had become, how much our sense of responsibility for one another had unraveled, how shaky the girders were that held this country together. Seeing it all fall apart so quickly has been as shocking as seeing the World Trade Towers collapse into a storm of debris in a matter of hours on a bright September morning.
Witnessing it has been distressing, terrifying even, but the new world is ready to arise, and since we chose to forego a gentler transition, now the old order will simply have to collapse.
All of this makes me think of the Tower card in the tarot deck that signifies the collapse of an old order. I find it literarily satisfying that the Trump brand is all about Towers.
The old order you are helping collapse, of course, is this whole insane notion that any of us could ever exist in isolation as separate selves, or live on this planet disregarding the rest of the eco-system, or even the idea that we could exist isolated from the Source of our Being. This insane fantasy has put our future on the planet in peril, not to mention the suffering and devastation it has caused the rest of life on Earth.
We needed someone like you to expose the fallacy for what it was. We needed someone to play full out what that egoic idea looks like so that we could clearly see just how absurd it is, how untenable it is, how it holds no future for us. We needed a figure as shocking, as offensive, as outlandish as you to stun us out of our stupor. We needed someone to show us that the ego has no clothes.
As you, better than most, know, when the mind is living from that egoic fallacy of separateness it is consumed by fear—terrified of impermanence and vulnerability, desperate to defend itself, driven to attack and blame, ashamed of its deep sense of unworthiness, haunted by an inner emptiness which it tries to fill however it can.
Beneath it all, as you also well know, is judgment—judgment toward oneself, toward others, toward life itself. In the absence of judgment the mind’s egoic fallacy would collapse faster than a plastic inflatable snowman that suddenly had its plug pulled.
The way I see it, there are two daunting tasks you have to complete in order to jump start our awakening, two things you have to prove about ego before we will be willing to let it go. First, you have to convince us that the ego-mind is a falsehood. Second, you have to demonstrate that the ego-mind is irrelevant. You are doing both with jaw-dropping skill.
As an embodiment of that egoic mind, you have shown us over and over again that the ego-mind has no understanding of Reality and that it deals solely in falsehoods. Not that this is even a deliberate choice. It simply knows nothing else.
Now, thanks to you, some of us are beginning to notice those same egoic thoughts of “enemy,” “attack,” “blame,” “other” when they show up in our own thinking, and we’re starting to catch on that those thoughts have no basis in Reality. They’re nothing but the mind’s Fake News. (Hat’s off to you, BTW, for that ingenious meme!)
And now with the pandemic, which demands above all else cooperation and compassion (which, let’s be honest, are not your strong suits), you have so expertly rendered yourself irrelevant that you have helped us see that we really don’t need that ego-mind at all, and we can simply move forward to address our global challenges in the only way they can be addressed: by embodying and enacting the truth of our oneness.
It is stunning how in such a short period of time you are succeeding in carrying out these two herculean tasks. All I can say is, “Bravo! Well played!!!”
I know how much you have become a target for those who may not understand what you are here to do, but I suppose that was inevitable, and I confess that I myself have had moments of forgetfulness. The irony, of course, is that when I am judging you I am only keeping alive in my own mind the old order you are here to abolish, and I’ve now come to the point where I’m just not interested in being the status quo I no longer wish to see in the world.
Here are a couple of things I’ve come to understand: 1) the egoic mind is an error; 2) Love doesn’t do battle with error. To do battle with an error accomplishes nothing other than make the error real for myself. Love simply absorbs the error. Metabolizes it. Takes it back into itself where it dissolves into the nothingness that it always was.
Even though I doubt you are aware of it, that is, after all, what you are here to teach us: what Love is. Not by demonstrating it, which would only result in imitation at best, but by calling us to be it. And to my way of thinking there can be no higher calling right now, because Love is the essence of the new world and the new humanity that we are here to birth.
Your presidency is a watershed for us. A turning point. You are driving a nail into the coffin of the Ego Era and its fantasy of separateness, and thanks in part to you we just may finally awaken from our egoic nightmare and allow Heaven to become manifest on Earth.
I don’t think I’m exaggerating when I say there is no one in the world who could have accomplished this as swiftly and with as much finesse as you.
Yours Truly,
An Awakening One
Bravo!!! You’ve summed it up perfectly. Thank you …
When I read “As you . . . know, when the mind is living from that egoic fallacy of separateness it is consumed by fear—terrified of impermanence and vulnerability, desperate to defend itself, driven to attack and blame, ashamed of its deep sense of unworthiness, haunted by an inner emptiness which it tries to fill however it can” I was swept into compassion. Yes, he is one of the most fearful people I know of (even if he isn’t in touch with his fear). How can I not have compassion? Thank you for calling this to my attention.
Isn’t it revealing when we can have compassion for those who awaken us to new levels of compassion within ourselves?
The tipping point!
Thank you for your post, Patricia! It’s as though you placed a magnet under the iron filings of my ego-scattered thoughts regarding Donald Trump, giving them a compassion-based pattern of planetary unity. Thank you!
Thank you Patricia, for putting into words that what is present everywhere and in everyone.
We have been created from love, and therefore are love. We have been created from a oneness which is not separate from each other. We know that fear drills even a deeper hole and drags everything with it into it. We know what love is, and how love unites, heals and embraces all.
Too long have we been in a slumber of drifting along and not really paying attention to the direction of our drift. Therefore, in order to awaken, we needed to be totally shaken into the awakening, and how bluntly did that happen!
Thank you President Trump, for you certainly have shocked me into the awakening I needed to see and be!
We are awake now, so let us use all our senses and change the direction of our drift. Maybe even take the helm and steer it collectively into a new and awakened existence, we actually might call Heaven on Earth.
In gratitude, Nada
What a stunning and revelatory statement in the form of this letter! You said it for so many of us (and I pray without ceasing that it IS so many of us!). As the old saying goes, “From your lips to God’s ears!”
Always open to Awakening!