I’ve written before that in this time of global awakening Donald Trump is a figure who is helping us see clearly what the ego mind looks like, how it thinks, what it values and how it behaves so that we can choose whether we want it sitting in the Oval Office of our own executive function.
What is transpiring inside the mind as we make this epic movement from one consciousness—the egoic consciousness of separateness—to the unitive consciousness of oneness is being reflected right now on the political stage during this election season. And because the events in the “external” world are depicting what is taking place on the inner plane, they can be very instructive for you in your own awakening process if you are willing to be open to what they have to teach you. So let’s take a look, shall we?
First of all, you can see how the ego mind keeps alive the idea of separateness by creating doubt and confusion in the mind, encouraging the mind to see the world through the divisive lens of us/them, gaslighting the mind to convince it that what is false is true and what is true is false, promoting the idea of enemy, spreading fear. You can also see the drama of the ego mind and how it constantly churns out fictitious narratives to distract you from the present Moment where you would inevitably encounter the Reality of Love and realize that the ego is a meaningless illusion, a story in the mind.
On the political stage it is also significant that during this election season there is such a frantic scramble to fill the vacant seat on the Supreme Court. This is, if you’ll excuse the pun, supremely symbolic because judgment is the very thing that keeps ego in control of the mind. It is judgment that creates the perception of separateness, and without it the whole egoic illusion would collapse in an instant. It makes perfect sense then, that, in this moment of decision, ego would turn to the institution that represents judgment to provide its last line of defense.
Now this is where you can begin to see the seemingly paradoxical nature of your transition out of egoic consciousness: it is the ego mind’s nature to judge and fight, so if you choose to judge and fight ego you have actually aligned yourself with it. You have, de facto, voted in favor of it.
Ego is not the enemy. (In fact, there are no enemies except in the egoic worldview.) Ego is simply a glitch in the matrix of the mind, an erroneous anomaly, a pseudo-self playing out the illusion of separateness that the mind mistook to be real.
Just so, Trump is not the enemy. He is simply exhibiting what this error of the mind looks like. If you see him as the enemy you are actually viewing him from the ego mind itself and are reinforcing the egoic patterns in your own mind.
The same goes for yourself. In what ways do you see yourself as the enemy? In what ways do you judge and try to fight against some aspect of yourself? How willing are you to relinquish such self-attack and to accept that you are and always have been one with Love?
So while the movement beyond ego is not about fighting, it is very much about choosing, and the key question is: Are you willing?
Are you willing to allow the egoic patterns in your own mind to dissolve?
Are you willing to release the concept of enemy?
Are you willing to yield to the Reality of Love?
The ego would have you believe you have to make all of this happen. But that simply isn’t true. In the Reality of Love, of inter-beingness, there are countless entities and energies available to help, and all they need from you is the go-ahead.
Yes, this is a confusing and turbulent time. How could it not be? The ground we’re standing on is shifting beneath our feet as one reality gives way to another, or more accurately, a false understanding of reality gives way to Reality itself.
And yet I am very hopeful, because, turbulent though these times may be, they are giving us exactly what we need in this moment of choice. More and more of us are seeing what is at stake, realizing we can’t go on like this, recognizing that the changes we wish to see in the world begin within us. And when a critical mass of us have cast our inner ballot to opt out of the ego mind and its version of reality, the world will change profoundly, and far more quickly than we ever could have imagined.
So please, vote. Vote in the national election, of course. But also remember that the most significant vote you will ever cast is the one within yourself.
Thank you for this, Patricia. It aligns with what I have been practicing daily, which is that upon awakening, I cast my vote each morning. I ask to be a channel, a worker, an opening for Love in the world. I say yes to the “countless entities and energies available to help,” and state my willingness to be of service to them and to their work in this time of great transformation.
That is so clear , just say yes to Love. Resting in this awareness one settles into Being the vote for Truth. Thank you dear Patricia . Love , Jan
Why are there so many in disclosure field so pro Trump. I was watching a video from Collective evolution making the case for Trump.
They say the same thing that Trump is like a mirror of our inner world. They say he is openly honest about who is whether you like him or not while his political opponents hide in pleasant appearances who are actually very negative people (evil). Is there something to what they are saying? Can Trump deliver on disclosure like they say he can?
I was watching a video from Collective evolution making the case for Trump.
They say the same thing that Trump is like a mirror of our inner world. They say he is openly honest about who is whether you like him or not while his political opponents hide in pleasant appearances who are actually very negative people (evil). Is there something to what they are saying? Can Trump deliver on disclosure like they say he can?
Beautifully stated. Thank you!