Dear One,
I know you are troubled by what you see happening in the world, and how desperately you want to do something to help stop the madness. I know how you do not want to sit this out, that it is unconscionable to you to do nothing in the face of so much discord and the alarming rise in authoritarianism.
You compare this moment to historical events, and this adds to your anxiety. You have been troubled all your life about what happened in Germany, wondering both how it could have happened and how it could have been stopped. I know how desperately you want to know what to do, and how powerless you feel that, as a solitary person, you can do anything that will make a difference.
I see this unsettledness in you. Let’s name it for what it is. It is fear.
You are experiencing and witnessing the escalation of fear, fear that is amplified as you see the containment walls that might have checked this tide of hatred and abuse collapsing, fear that is, as you know, the inverse of Love, a contractive force, a divisive force, a desperate force.
Take a moment now and let yourself feel the fear. Do not try to push it away. Notice it. Feel it. Then hold it in the utmost compassion. Hold that frightened part of yourself in absolute Love and compassion and gentleness, as you would a frightened child. Cradle it. Console it. Cherish it.
You know how to do this, because in your lifetime you have experienced so much more than simply fear. You have also experienced moments of transcendent Love. Inexplicable Love. Love that is so complete it has taken your breath away and left you weeping. Allow yourself to become aware of that experience of Love.
When you are in that state of awareness of Love, what do you feel? What do you know to be true? Who do you know yourself to be? Who do you know others to be?
From that vantage point of Love consider what is happening on Earth right now.
Perhaps you can see how frightened the people are that their world, the world they have known, seems to be collapsing. How frightened they are by what is happening to the Earth, and even if they try to keep this from conscious awareness, it is there. Even if they try to deny that the changes on Earth will touch them, on another level they know that vast changes are underway that will leave nothing and no one untouched or unaffected.
From this place of Love you can see this rampant fear—you can see how frantically the people are looking for answers, how their fear incapacitates them from being able to receive the answers they seek, how in their fear they are turning on one another and themselves.
If you look more closely you will see how this state of fear that is within them is amplifying the chaos without. That rather than calming the storm or containing it, the fear that is broiling within them is amplifying the storm.
Do you recall the story of Jesus sleeping on the boat, when the disciples are frantic and terrified as the stormy sea threatens to drown them? Do you remember how, when they wake him, he speaks to the storm and commands it to be at peace?
How do you suppose he did that? Was it because he felt afraid in himself? Or angry at the storm? Did he participate in the disciples fear? Did he fear for his own life?
Or was he able to join with the wind and the water and call forth their calmness because he himself knew only Love, knew only Peace, knew that, no matter what was happening, he was eternally in the Reality of Love, eternally safe.
I offer that to you simply as an illustration that the way to be in a storm is not to be the storm, but to be the Peace within that then can manifest as Peace without.
Perhaps you believe that being Love and knowing your own inner Peace is insufficient in this moment, that it is tantamount to being passive and acquiescing in this time of crisis. Perhaps you believe that such a stance is fine when the waters are calm, but in this tempest your belief in the sovereignty of Love must be abandoned.
And yet it is precisely in the tempest that your Peace and Love are most urgently needed, for it is from this state of Love and Peace that outer changes can manifest. Indeed they can manifest in no other way.
Begin by joining yourself with the truth of Love and Peace. Join yourself with Loving Reality. This is the first step. Then, when you are joined with this Reality within yourself, your actions will reflect the same, and you will spread light in a world that is so terribly afraid of the darkness.
Then join with others who are doing the same. Simply join together and allow the Love that is within you—the Love that is you—inspire you to new actions, new ways to be present in this fearful time as a manifestation of Peace, so that those who are caught in the turbulent storm may take heart and find that same Peace within themselves.
I understand that the temptations are great to join the mob decrying the state of affairs, to participate in the vilifying, hating, blaming. I simply ask that you continually return your awareness to the Reality of Love, knowing that this commitment—this willingness—to stay aligned with Love and to be Love in this moment is the most radical, transformative thing you could possibly do.
It is the power that will change the world.
Your True Self
Amen! Beautifully expressed. ?
When Love speaks , Love is heard. Much gratitude. Jan
Thank you for putting in print the voice we all have in our beings.