If you have followed my work for any period of time, you’ll know that I sometimes look at global events through the lens of dreamwork. It is a helpful way to understand at a deeper level what we are experiencing collectively, because this human drama is a type of dream in which we are playing out an utterly implausible scenario, namely, separateness.
In this dream of separateness we are unaware of our eternal union with Love. Asleep to the interconnectedness of all Being. Oblivious to our own divine nature. You could say we humans are on this planet dreaming our impossible dream.
In this state of unconsciousness we have fashioned a world that depicts and reinforces all the fear and suffering that arise from the absurd notion that we can be separated from Love. But now, an unprecedented global awakening is underway, precipitated and accelerated in large part by the climate crisis. Nature is forcing us to wake up to the truth that all things exist in a boundless and intricate web of mutual relationship and support.
This awakening is bringing to the fore all the shadow content of the collective psyche so that it can be seen, accepted, and dissolved in Love. This global awakening is also stirring great fear and resistance in the dreaming mind, otherwise known as the ego, and rightfully so. Its reality is coming to an end, and it is doing everything it can to postpone the inevitable and to keep its drama going just a bit longer.
Staying Asleep Through Judgment
The dream of separateness is fueled primarily by judgment. Judgment is the mechanism the mind uses to divide, to render unworthy, to induce shame, to cast out and cast away. In other words, judgment is the means by which the mind denies the universality and unconditional nature of Love. It is the snooze button the mind can reliably turn to to keep awareness of Love at bay and keep dreaming a bit longer.
It’s no wonder that our world right now is aflame in judgment.
But Rumi once said, “Though we seem to be sleeping, there is an inner wakefulness that directs the dream, and will eventually startle us back to the truth of who we are.” When we pay attention to the dream as dream, we access that inner wakefulness and discover that the dream can aid us in our awakening.
So how do we do that? Well, the first thing to understand is that dreams employ symbols and often use word play. Which is why I find it so interesting that right now we are all waiting to see if the United States will default.
Get it?
To fault is to judge, and since judgment is what keeps the separateness illusion alive in our minds, the dream is inviting us to let it go.
On the literal level though, and on this physical plane, the loving thing to do, obviously, is to honor our promises and responsibilities to one another, be those financial or otherwise.
As a nation, when we take a look at where we stand in relationship to our responsibilities, we realize that the United States has been in default since its inception. For centuries this country has been breaking promises made to First Nation peoples, has trafficked in and enslaved human beings, and consigned their offspring to continued dehumanizing injustices.
When we’re honest with ourselves, we see that this nation is carrying a mountain of debt that it has never honored, and the time has come for us to do whatever we can to rectify it. And to do it without succumbing to judgment.
The Historic De-Fault Begins Within
Whatever happens with our elected officials in Washington, the deeper question being posed to each of us is whether we are willing to participate in the awakening by foregoing judgment. This is the radical break from the past that opens the way for a new world to arise.
This historic de-fault begins within, with our own willingness to cease and desist from finding fault with ourselves, judging ourselves, shaming ourselves. It begins with us surrendering to the truth that we are eternally one with Love, and there isn’t a thing we can do about that, no matter how hard we may try.
Right now the dream is showing us that the way forward is to respond to this moment at both of these levels. To express Love by honoring our promises to one another, and to be Love by disengaging from all judgment.
The Default Setting Is Love
This is as far as I got in writing this piece before I had to pack up the car and leave for some friends’ house where I will be cat sitting and on retreat for a week. After I arrived here and unloaded the car, I came into their kitchen to put my groceries away, and what I discovered waiting for me on the kitchen table is what you see in the photo at the top of this piece.
The default setting is Love. I couldn’t have said it any better.
Thank you, Patricia.
This is lovely and very timely. It is also honest and rings a deep note of truth in my heart. Our son, not in a body any more , has told us often how wonderful and freeing it is to be free of judgements. Being free of judgements certainly helps the clearing of Love’s path. What a breath of fresh air this writing is. Thank you, Patricia.
I love this, Patricia.
Even though I don’t live in the USA, it is still very meaningful for us here in the UK..
The challenge for me, as always , is how to refrain from judgement… To transform judgement into blessing.
More please!
Very well said, Patricia. I pray we all awaken. It’s a work in progress, at least for me. Thank you
Reading this message brings me great Peace, which is Love’s Eternal gift.
Thank you for sharing your experience of our Oneness together. Love is a beautiful teacher and the note waiting for you to confirm your healing thought proves it’s faithfulness in teaching and Being Truth.
“Great is thy faithfulness “, one of my favorite hymns 😌
Many Blessings, Patricia
Thank you so much for this new way of looking at our current situation! I really needed it. Love is always the way. Many blessings & enjoy your retreat.