It’s been a fascinating experience for me these past four years as I have occasionally ventured into the whirlwind of our political controversies. I’m not the sort of person who relishes conflict, so I wasn’t eager to do it, yet I felt drawn to share my own take on things.
When I wrote about Donald Trump as someone who portrays the ego mind and who is here to help us recognize and release those patterns in ourselves, I found myself in an interesting borderland. Since I haven’t seen him as evil incarnate, nor as a savior figure—both of which I believe are just egoic projections—I have stood outside the polarized perspectives about him that gained such currency in the culture.
Some people were irked that I wasn’t getting on board with the Trump-the-Savior/Trump-the-Demon dualism. One person went so far as to tell me I was an idiot for not seeing him as a lightworker.
His choice of words got me thinking, and I realized he was right. I am an idiot.
The word idiot comes from the Greek, and it originally referred to someone who goes their own way. Those of us who are supporting this global awakening are going our own way. We are walking away from the norms of an ego-oriented world, which is based in judgment, division, and attack, and we are choosing to live into something New, something more revolutionary than the planet has ever seen.
We are the idiots who we have the audacity to stand in the very real possibility of a world that depicts the truth of Love, the truth of our inherent interconnectedness, a world founded upon mutual respect and reciprocity and which celebrates our oneness with all of Life.
Why? Because we feel that world within us, and we simply can’t ignore it. We sense it stirring in our cells and claiming our imagination, even though we may not be able to see it clearly yet.
Of course we have our days when the ways of the old draw us in and we get caught up in the hoopla. But at some level of our being we have made a choice to support this planetary awakening, attuning ourselves to the frequency and the vision of a transformed world and allowing it to gain a foothold in our consciousness, in our cells, in our lives, in our world.
Crystallizing Love
Recently I was sitting in our glassed in porch watching a beautiful snowfall, big clumps of flakes floating silently from the sky. I sat there for hours, mesmerized.
Snow always blows my mind when I consider that every snowflake is unique, even though every snowflake is the same thing: water. Just as we are each unique, even though we are each the same thing: Love. And I believe this is what we are here to do: to crystallize Love in a way that is uniquely our own.
The other thing that amazes me about snow is that each snowflake, by itself, is quite unsubstantial. And yet, as I watched from our porch that morning I could see what was happening. Each unique snowflake was joined by countless other unique snowflakes, and together they blanketed the landscape with beauty and brought a hushed peace to the city.
So my wish for you is that you allow your essential Love nature to crystallize and express itself in your life in a way that is uniquely your own.
And always remember that you are not alone. There is a Love blizzard underway that you are part of. So keep the faith and be who you are here to be, no matter how strange it may seem to others.
Thank you Patrica.
Such a beautiful posting and so on time as we move into the Pisces Full Moon energies which is all about redemption. I will share a write up with you on it for your perusal.
All the best,
Lyrata, how can I read that piece. It sounds intriguing.
Dear Patricia,
Thank you for the last 4 years of capturing several recent crazy-historical events and giving us your understanding in such a profound way.
You are simply one of the best writers of all time!
Much love,
The idiot in me sees and honors the idiot in you! Thank you for this insightful perspective! <3
Dear Patricia,
That is a most beautiful perspective, indeed a vision of Reality — Love in form, Love Informed — S(n)o(w) Good! Thank you.
Blessings to you for the wonderful work that you do, John.
Your post is so inspiring and beautifully, Patricia!
In Crystallized Love,
Thank you, Patricia!
This is very inspiring. It touches the soul.