Thank you for attending this orientation session, and thank you for your willingness to serve as a guardian angel to your assigned human during their Earthly sojourn. In preparation for your service, we wanted to give you a bit of information to orient you and prepare you for this assignment.
First of all, as you accompany your human, you will find that the human mind excels in its ability to embrace and believe falsehoods. You will be astonished that your human has the capacity to believe things that, from our angelic perspective, are ludicrous, and to devote their lives to manifesting these falsehoods.
Chances are, for example, that your human will believe in something called “separateness.” They will believe they can be cut off from Love. They will believe they can be unlovable. They will believe they are responsible for proving and establishing their worth. They will believe they can construct an entire world founded upon these erroneous beliefs, and they will be remarkably successful in doing so.
You will watch your human suffer under the heavy burden of these beliefs, and you will feel a great longing to break through your human’s illusions to enable them to see clearly.
You will long for them to recognize that Reality is an interconnected whole and that Love is absolute. You will yearn for them to be able to see their own splendor. You will long to quiet their fears so they can enjoy the marvel of their human incarnation. You will yearn for them to know that their existence is a given and can never be threatened. You will long for them to know their union with Loving Source.
There will be rare moments in their Earthly sojourn when your human’s mind is startled out of its assumptions. A particularly wondrous moment may cause a rupture in their mind’s defenses and denials; at other times it may be the experience of loss and grief that will provide an opening.
When those opportunities present themselves, by all means seize them. Impart to your human’s awareness the unified nature of Reality and the truth of who they are. Flood their heart with Love.
In most cases your human’s capacity to receive this awareness will be fleeting, and they will appear to return to their previous state. But that they experienced it at all, even if for an instant, will leave a lasting impression and will accelerate their discovery of the truth of themselves.
Apart from those rare moments, though, unless your human asks for your help, your wings are tied. As you know, humans have the precious gift of free will. They can choose to create and experience whatever sort of world they choose, no matter how unrealistic. They are also quite tenacious and will vigorously defend their beliefs no matter how absurd.
What, then, is your role?
First of all, you will watch over your human to assure that their Earthly sojourn is not cut short prematurely. Your human will be incarnating with specific intentions for their lifetime, though they will have no recollection of that, and you will assure that they have ample opportunity to complete their task.
Beyond that, as you have probably surmised by now, you have been chosen to accompany your human because what they need most is simply what you are: Joy, Gladness, Love.
You will be by their side, seeing them, as you naturally do, in their true splendor. Your simple presence as a loving witness to their Earthly experience, whether or not your human can perceive it, will make a profound difference.
Lastly, please sing to your human. They may not be able to hear it, but our experience has shown that the song of angels can comfort the human heart and help it remember that it is safely held in the arms of Love.
Just as a compassionate parent tenderly cradles and serenades a sleeping child as they play out all sorts of fantastical scenarios in their dreaming mind, you will simply hold your human in the arms of Love. Their dream will eventually resolve itself and your human will awaken to the radiant truth of themselves, just as a child awakens when the morning sunlight begins to stream through the window.
Wonderful! So comforting. 🙂
And so it is. Perfect.
What creativity!!!! Love the perspective. I spoke to my willingness to change.
I love this! Thank you, Patricia!
While you called this lighthearted, I also found it to be profoundly comforting and uplifting. I love your analogy of the sun streaming through the window! What a beautiful way to describe the expansion of the awareness of Love in our lives.