I feel like I should write something about Donald Trump’s impeachment hearing this week, but the truth is, I’m tired of Donald Trump. I’m tired of the drama. I’m tired of the vitriol, the division, the delusions.
I’m just plain tired. This political drama isn’t where I want to focus my energies anymore. It’s like an energy vampire that feeds on the very thing it seems to demand of us: our attention.
I know that what is ready to arise on this planet isn’t going to come from you or me or any of us focusing on how screwed up the existing system is. That’s obvious. We get it. We don’t need to obsess about it.
The time has come, instead, for us to turn away from the ego’s addictive drama—whether that drama is playing out on the political stage or in the recesses of our own mind—and be willing to turn in a new direction, toward the truth of Love and its embodiment in the world.
Before Trump arrived on the scene, I wrote very little about the political landscape. I was much more interested in the inner landscape, because that’s where true transformation happens.
But when Trump erupted on our national political stage I felt drawn to speak to the phenomenon we were witnessing, because it was so obvious to me that there was much more to it than most people were recognizing on the face of things.
From the outset I saw Trump as someone who is exemplifying the egoic consciousness of separateness that humans must now leave behind, if for no other reason than that the wellbeing of the ecosystem we are part of requires it of us.
I saw that Trump was serving an important purpose, quite unintentionally I might add, by helping us see so clearly how the ego mind operates and the kind of world it fashions so that we could choose differently.
That’s really what the impeachment is all about: giving those in Congress the chance to choose differently. Whether or not they do, though, won’t have any effect on the bigger picture. Unitive consciousness is emerging, even more quickly now because of the excesses of ego that we have seen of late. (As the Tao te Ching says, “If you want to shrink something, you must first allow it to expand.”)
Here’s something for us to remember: it is often the “leaders” who are the last to get on board with big change, and the current shift in consciousness is perhaps the biggest change this planet has ever experienced.
I’m reminded of the story of Jonah, the prophet in the Hebrew Scriptures, who was commanded by God to go to Nineveh and tell them they needed to repent because otherwise they were headed for catastrophe.
Jonah didn’t want to go. He probably had no interested in saving the Ninevites, who were, from his vantage point, the enemies. In fact, he so didn’t want to go that he tried to flee his calling, ended up (long story) getting swallowed up by a big fish and then vomited out on dry land, at which point he finally went to Nineveh to fulfill his function, albeit reluctantly.
Much to his consternation, upon hearing his message the Ninevites repented and their catastrophic fate was averted, which made Jonah exceedingly unhappy.
But the thing that has always intrigued me the most about that story is how the Ninevites ended up repenting. As Jonah walked across the city preaching his message of doom and gloom, it was the people who proclaimed a fast and put on sackcloth. It was the people who turned toward a new way (which is what repent actually means).
It wasn’t until the king got word of what was going on that he too put on sackcloth, sat himself down in ashes, and decreed a time of national repentance, making what the people were already doing a “public policy.”
We get all worked up when the leaders don’t lead, when they don’t have the vision or the guts to forge a new society, or prepare the way for a new world. But the thing is, transformation is never going to come from the Oval Office or the halls of Congress. It is going to come from us, from We the People.
And true transformation, the transformation that will give rise to a world that reflects the Reality of Love, originates within each of us. It is a shift in consciousness that, as I have said before, is an inside job.
It is toward The New, not the old, that I want to direct my attention and energy now. As Buckminster Fuller famously said, “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
I don’t expect the Senate to convict Donald Trump in these proceedings. They might surprise me, but I think there is way too much fear in that body to defect from the ego and its ways. The “leaders” are scared, which means we are the ones who will need to be bold enough to repent, audacious enough to choose differently, radical enough to align ourselves inwardly and outwardly with the truth of Love. And when we do, you can be assured the “leaders” will follow.
This was very helpful and appropriate for me. I am happy to have shared on Facebook. Thank you for voicing my feelings.
Thanks, Karen. I’m so glad it was helpful, and thanks for sharing it as well!
Boy, did that hit the nail on the head, Patricia. Thanks for being the voice of the divine viewpoint at this time!
Thanks, Ann! I’m so glad it resonated.
I could feel my breathing relax, my insides settle down. Thanks Patricia. Hugs to you dear one…
Thank you once more for being the light bearer! I appreciated you saying it’s time to let go of putting any energy into the display of ignorance shown in the political scene. Now go within to the truth and focus there. The truth will be the leader. Much appreciation ! Jan
Thank You Patricia
I would like to change valentine’s day to Hearts Day
Happy Hearts Day Everyone❣
❤🧡💛 💔 💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍💗
Thank you for this inspiring message!!! I just happened to read it AFTER the impeachment proceedings were done and Trump was not impeached. While I also sensed it was going to end this way, the story of Jonah, which I didn’t know in total, really put this in a wonderful perspective. I really appreciate how you shine a light on things so we don’t get “mired in the details” and can see the big picture. Many Blessings to you!!
You cannot solve the problem at the level of the problem. Change the thinking, the energy, the vibration. Lift it up higher to see from different eyes, a different perspective. That is the us, the people, the love and truth we all hold within. I am ready, are you? Thank you Patricia for your wonderful writings. It all helps us to feel/thinker higher and brighter!
This writing was very meaningful and inspirational to me, Patricia, and I have shared it with others who I believed would appreciate it. Your words always bring such hope and nourishment for the soul, and if we do choose and align with the truth of Love, we can help but lead.
Thank you, as always!