Although we look to the material world to tell us what is real, the world of form is a reflection of consciousness. When consciousness is entertaining illusions, such as the illusion of separateness, the world of form depicts that illusion.
In this episode we take a look at what is truly Real, which is Love. And we consider how, as we open more and more into the awareness of Love—into unitive consciousness—the Reality of Love will become expressed in the world of form.
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Awakening to Love in a Time of Fear: Five Essential Practices.
Hello, beautiful, WeAwakening souls. Welcome to this week’s podcast episode.
Today, I would like to share with you something that I experienced in meditation awhile back. I was sitting there, and this happens occasionally where it’s like information just sort of drops in. And in this particular meditation time, I was you know, just meditating not thinking about anything. And the message that just dropped in was, “Just because something exists in material form, doesn’t make it Real.” And, you know, when I, when I say that, quote, it’s like I was getting the impression of this, but that’s the translation of the impression of it into words, “just because something exists in material form doesn’t make it Real.”
And I have to admit that despite all of my years of spiritual exploration, this message was startling to me, because we have been so inculcated to look to the material world to tell us what is real. And when I’m using that word real right now, I think of it as a capital R Real. And what is Real is love, that that love is the only Reality.
And yet we see that in material form, there can be many things that express themselves in material form, that do not depict the reality of love. So in that sense, they are not Real. But we have been so trained to look to the material world to tell us what is real.
Now, when I received this information, this teaching, I also saw, and it might have been, I don’t recall exactly, but there was an image, I had this image of standing on the bow of a boat. And I was experiencing this spaciousness of consciousness of the mind being completely open and in union with all that is it. The mind in its state of, how can I say, pure potentiality, the mind in the state of everything that is not yet manifested, the unmanifested, which, which includes all possibilities.
So I was experiencing this open-minded state, and it might have been at that point that this teaching came through, I can’t recall exactly.
But I recognized with this image of standing on the bow of a ship, that it is consciousness that determines what manifests in the material world. And so the material world really is like the wake of a boat, if you will, like the wake that consciousness leaves in the dimension of time and space. And consciousness can entertain illusory ideas, such as the illusory idea of the separate self, and when consciousness is entertaining those kinds of illusions, then it produces in the material world a wake that reflects this illusory idea of separateness.
So the material world is the wake that consciousness leaves in time and space. Yet we spend all of our time, we spent so much effort and so much time trying to change the wake. We spent so much effort and time trying to change what has manifested in the world of form without recognizing that it is consciousness that is creating it.
And so if we truly want to be transformational presences on the earth right now, it’s time for us to turn towards the bow of the boat, to recognize that this open, spacious mind, this consciousness that is united with all that is that knows its union with all that is. That is the consciousness, the awakened consciousness that will bring into material form a world that reflects this reality of love.
So continuing on with this metaphor of the boat, most of the time we’re sitting in the stern of the boat, focusing and obsessing and fretting about what the wake is looking like, and trying our best to try to change the wake and make it prettier, or make it more loving, or whatever.
And I’m noticing these two words, the stern of the boat, and the bow of the boat. And the stern of the boat comes at this whole life endeavor with this kind of stern attitude. There’s something that needs to be fixed here. And, and we get stern with ourselves, and we get stern with one another, because we’re not liking the wake that we’re seeing.
And yet, when we are in the bow of the boat, we are in that open state, we are bowing to the reality of love to the reality of oneness, we are in this state of awe and openness, when we stand in the bow of the boat.
So coming back to this teaching, that just because something exists in material form, doesn’t mean that it’s real, we can look around and we can see all of the systems that we have created as human beings, and we can see how so much of what we have created is not emblematic, it is not reflective, it does not illustrate the truth of love. So in that sense, all of these systems that do not depict love are not Real, they are not aligned with the reality of love.
And I’ve spoken before about how we find ourselves now in a time when the systems that have been produced by this consciousness of separateness are becoming unstable. So we see that the wake is beginning to become unstable because we are making the shift in consciousness, we are more and more moving into the bow of the boat and opening ourselves up.
And so the wake is beginning to change. And we can see that in our world, we can see how the things that have seemingly been so stable for so long, are becoming disrupted. And that is because consciousness itself is making this evolutionary leap, this leap into unitive awareness into unitive consciousness.
And so we are in this very turbulent moment, where, because consciousness is shifting, the wake is shifting, what is manifesting in the material world is shifting. And if we are sitting in the stern of the boat, and we’re watching all of this disruption in the wake, we can become very fearful because the world as we’ve known it, as I said before, is coming to an end and a new thing is arising. And yet if we, if we remain attached to the wake that the previous consciousness has created, we will live in a great deal of fear.
And so much of what we see happening in the world right now, and so much of the violence and the contention, and all of that is actually this primal fear of what is transpiring on the planet. And we don’t do battle with that fear. We allow it to be as it is, we embrace it with love. And instead of trying to change that part of the wake, which is the fear part, we just continue to hold space, we continue to allow ourselves to abide in and align with this reality of our original nature, this original mind, which is one with the all, which is one with love, which knows its essence as interconnectedness and interdependence.
And so when we focus on the wake and we look to the material world, to tell us what is Real, we get caught in this feedback loop of consciousness, because the consciousness of separateness is creating a world that depicts separateness and if we are looking to that world to tell us what is Real, what we are going to be seeing is separateness. When we look outside of ourselves and we see a world where there is all of this animosity and vitriol and division, when we look at that world to tell us what is real, then we are reinforcing in ourselves this idea of separateness.
So there is a way in which we disengage at a very deep level from looking to the outer world or the material world to tell us what is Real. And we go inward. We go into into the heart, we go into our deeper knowing where we can experience the essential Oneness of All That Is, and it is from that inner place and that inner knowing that we can be in the world differently. And from this different state of consciousness, this state of openness, of acceptance, of love, from that consciousness, then we are allowing a new wake to come forth.
So, I just leave you with that and, and encourage you to move from the stern of the boat where you might be, as most of us are, trying to fix things, fix things in the material world that we don’t like. To let that be, to let the wake be, and to move forward into the bow of the boat. And even that word “wake” is so provocative, to be in awakened consciousness, and to let the wake depict that consciousness of love.
So with that, I bid you peace. Until next time, be well