Awhile back, while I was in mediation, a feeling of regret was arising in me about my limitations, limitations which, it seemed to me, impeded the Spirit Realm’s intentions for me and my life.
What I heard in response was not anything I expected: “We need your limitations.”
In that instant I could see that the Infinite is limited by Its own infinity. Being Everything, It cannot manifest in form as Its totality, because form is specific. Form is particular. While the Infinite is all Possibility, form is the expression of a possibility.
In other words, limitation is how the Infinite expresses in the dimension of time and space.
All this may seem obvious, but it was one of those paradigm shifting moments for me. I realized that the very thing I was regretting about myself and seeing as a deficiency was actually the essential contribution that I, as a limited human being, bring to the table in this divine project of creation.
Limitation as a creative catalyst
I’m reminded that artists often become more and more creative as increasingly restrictive parameters are imposed upon them, limitations that they have to work within. Rather than being a hindrance to their creativity, the limitations become a catalyst for it. In the same way, our human limitations spur Love’s creative expression.
The great experiment of planet Earth, as I see it, is that this be a place where infinite Love can take on specific, tangible expression. And that is simply not possible without the gift of limitation.
So let me ask you this: Are there limitations you experience in yourself or in your life that you see as obstacles to Spirit, obstacles to Love, obstacles to the full expression of your Self?
If so, are you willing to accept that they may be precisely the boundaries Love is using to express Itself more creatively in this world of form?
This is great and so important in our age of imagined limitless ness. Reminds me of the Tower of Babel story.
Patricia, thank you for: “Limitation is how the Infinite expresses in the dimensions of time and space.”!!
So, if we look for the qualities of the Infinite in the expressions of time and space, instead of looking at the limits of the story and judging them, we can see the Infinite (God, Good) everywhere.
Your work is one example of the Infinite manifesting!
Love and blessings, Ann
These observations about the benefit and purpose of limitations made questions I have had dissolve into such clearer understanding.
Thank you,