Last Tuesday morning I was meditating, holding in the energy of Love all that has been happening here in Philadelphia in the wake of George Floyd’s murder, all the anger, the pain, the public outcry for justice, and as I sat I wondered what it would be like to be able to join with other energy workers in Philadelphia to hold this collectively on behalf of our city.
As soon as I was finished meditating I texted my friend Zoana, a gifted energy worker, and asked if she knew of any local groups that are joining together with this intention. She didn’t, but said she would be happy to help organize something.
So we wrote an email that same day letting people know that we would be tuning in three times each day, and we sent it out to energy workers we knew inviting them to join us, and asked them to forward the invitation to others.
Clearing the Way
The next day when we were tuning in, the energy that Zoana and I both sensed coming through felt extremely intense. I wouldn’t describe it as angry. I would describe it as fierce, a Kali energy come to clear out old patterns so that the new can arise.
Nature was expressing it as well. Two intense storms came through the city that day, twisting and snapping trees and leaving several areas without power. Meteorologists couldn’t recall two storms with such intensity ever happening in a single day. The type of the first storm seemed significant too. It was a weather pattern known as a derecho, whose winds can exceed hurricane force. Derecho is a Spanish word that means “straight ahead,” but it also means “right,” as in a human right.
Each time we meditate the energy feels different. One morning my awareness was taken to Independence Hall in Old City Philadelphia where two hundred and thirty-three years ago those who were writing the country’s new Constitution made a compromise regarding slavery. The decision that took place in that building encoded slavery and racism into the law of the land, and slaves were defined as worth three-fifths of a person. I was given to see how it is our generation’s task now to dissolve the energy signature of what took place in that building and all the ways it has become encoded into our systems and our psyches.
This past Saturday, when a huge crowd of thousands gathered in front of the Philadelphia Art Museum to peacefully protest the injustices that George Floyd’s murder exemplified, as we were tuning in I sensed a bright Light surrounding the entire gathering, Light that was converging from above and below.
At other times I feel the energetic presence of the new world that wants to be birthed—its Joy, Gladness, and Lightness of Being. It is a world where all are thriving together and expressing the fundamental truth of our interbeingness, and as I tune in to it I feel that world becoming anchored in the cells of my own body.
Preparing Ourselves
I believe there is a reason why those of us on the inner path have clocked so many hours on our mediation cushions, on our yoga mats, so many hours excavating and dissolving the egoic patterns in our own minds, and attending retreats and going through certification programs to become healers and energy workers. I believe we’ve been preparing ourselves to partner with the energies that are now seeking to come into form, the energies of that new world that is often referred to as Heaven on Earth.
This isn’t to say that we don’t also advocate on the manifested plane for the changes needed. In the unitive way there is no duality between the inner and outer, the non-visible and visible, the world of spirit and the world of form, prayers and programs. In the unitive way it all converges, and when it does it unleashes the power of that which is to come.
Anchoring the New
Once, years ago, when Zoana and I were in Sedona on a retreat, she received some intuitive guidance that Philadelphia and Sedona need each other. That Philadelphia is a dense place energetically that needs the mutable lightness of Sedona’s energy. But Sedona needs Philadelphia as well, because this is a place where those energies can become anchored in form in an enduring way, laying the foundation for the world that wants to emerge.
Early on the morning after Zoana and I sent the invitation out to the energy workers, long before the storm systems arrived, I went up to our roof deck at sunrise and was amazed to see that, even though we hadn’t had any rain overnight, there was a rainbow descending onto the PECO building, which is the headquarters of Philadelphia’s electric company.
Normally the PECO building scrolls community announcements on the marquis at the top of the building, along with the time of day, but maybe because of all of the upheaval in the city in recent days all of the community announcements had been removed. Now the marquis was announcing only one thing, over and over again. It was simply telling us the time.
Thank you Patricia for sharing your deep and beautifully worded thoughts and insights!
Light workers and light warriers have fully immersed themselves into self search and purge to allow that what is so desperately seeking to emerge, and that is why we have come here at this time of existence on this planet.
May the rainbows be many, and divine light be powerfully present in and through it all, as we rise into the new existence of the Golden Age on this beautiful planet!
May you continue to shine your beautiful light and stay strong and beautiful as you are!
Thank you my friend!