I first started noticing several weeks ago that people were Googling the question “is trump a lightworker” and finding their way to my website. It’s a question that has also come up recently in a couple of personal communications, so I wanted to offer my perspective on that question.
If you have followed my work at all, you know that I see Trump as someone who is serving as a catalyst for our collective awakening. He is creating the ideal conditions for us to examine our own unconscious behaviors and become aware of how the ego mind operates within ourselves.
By ego, I mean a false self that the mind generates when it adopts the fallacious idea of separateness. Separateness isn’t real, and so, for the mind to experience separateness it must generate a self that isn’t real that can play out that fallacy. Hence, the ego.
It is the illusion of separateness that gives rise to all the things we are now, in this age of COVID and Trump, having to acknowledge: the racism, misogyny, greed, exploitation, devastation of the environment, injustices of every kind. All of it is the story the ego weaves out of this fallacious idea of separateness, and for us to move into the age before us, they are things that must be acknowledged and released.
Trump’s Role in the Planetary Transition of Consciousness
We are presently in the midst of an epic planetary transition in consciousness out of the egoic consciousness of separateness and into the non-dual consciousness of oneness. The tectonic plates of our collective psyche are shifting, which is causing great turbulence, uncertainty, and fear. And yet this turbulence and this collapse of the structures and institutions of a former age are necessary for our evolution.
Trump is accelerating this shift in consciousness by shocking us into seeing the ego clearly so that we can retract our allegiance from it and open ourselves to the truth of inter-existence.
So does that mean I see him as a lightworker? No, I don’t.
A lightworker is someone who is cognizant of interconnectedness and interdependence, someone who has seen through the error of ego and retracted their belief in it, someone who knows Reality is Love and who seeks to embody that Love.
A lightworker is someone who knows that “division” and “enemy” and “attack” are all tricks of the egoic mind and nothing but an illusion. A lightworker is someone who has transcended the erroneous realm of judgment, someone who abides in compassion, someone who brings forth healing.
In other words, a lightworker is conscious of the inviolable oneness of All That Is, whereas Donald Trump is quite unconscious. And yet in his unconscious state he is furthering our collective awakening by bringing to light so much that must be healed and corrected for a new world to arise, and by putting on full display the has-been expression of humanity Trump is helping us choose to align ourselves with the will-be expression of humanity.
The Illusion of Fear
Fear is an attribute of the ego-mind, and one of the tell-tale signs that Donald Trump is not a lightworker is that he spreads a message of fear. The divine realm, on the other hand, consistently communicates to humanity the opposite message: Don’t be afraid.
Does that then mean that Trump is evil? No. What it means is that he himself lives in the grip of fear, and because he is completely identified with the ego, which is inherently impotent, he does all he can to project power. All of the authoritarian displays we are currently witnessing are a cover up for this deep fear and sense of impotence.
Calling Forth a Legion of Lightworkers
So I see Donald Trump as neither evil, nor as a lightworker, but he can be a teacher for us—and a very important one at that—but only if we are willing to see through the fallacy of the ego ourselves. Only if we are willing to turn away from ideas such as “other” and “enemy.” Only if we are willing to forego the ego’s precious “judgment” which is the fuel that keeps the ego aloft.
If we are willing to do that, then we become the lightworkers.
So while Trump is not a lightworker himself, by helping us see the error of the egoic mind he is calling forth a legion of lightworkers, regular people who are done with the fantasy of separateness, the fantasy of the “other” and the “enemy,” the fantasy of fear. Regular people who are ready and willing to be present in this moment of Great Awakening as an embodiment of the inviolable truth of Love.
This is remarkable. I just asked the very same question last week. Thank you for sharing your insights. Yes, he is wounded. I encountered many like him over the years. Wish we could have a spiritual impact on him if he would only surrender to that notion. More important, I hope we are open to what we see in the mirror and COVID teaching us through Loss and suffering. The messages are clear. It is time.
Light and love,
Oh Patricia…Thank you, as always, for your impeccable insight. I have been feeling a huge shift in my own energy and intent that keeps tugging at me to cease the feeling of “us” versus “them” in the deep understanding that we are indeed all One.
Your perspective here regarding Ego and its ability to truly strip us of our power (or at least diminish it) instead of allowing space to step INTO our power is the foundation for all that feels so upside down in our world.
Lately what has helped me personally with this ongoing query is the idea of which am I feeding….the ego or Spirit? Which am I empowering to permeate my soul and engage my darker, more destructive, shrinking energy?
I’d like to think I choose Soul over Ego, but 57 years of conditioning otherwise is a sticky puzzle to unstick!
Becoming more aware of it and it’s hypnotic tug is halfway there to remedying the inherent need to choose Ego.
Thank you….??
Love is extension to my brother what I am ❤️I C
There is an order in this universe, it is not perfection
It is oneness
Oneness with self
Oneness with others
To reach this awareness
Is the true meaning of love
Patricia, so perfect , clear, concise and helpful! Thank you ! Jan
This article here is being too nice about trump and the followers. When will we give up the old paradigm of using darkness in order to propel us to become a light worker? How about just doing it? It’s a shame that we have chosen an evil empty vessel as our catalyst to become a light worker. Why do we have to wait for horrible people to come along to wake us up? It clearly shows that we aren’t as awake as we think we are. Instead of waking yourself up and being your own harbinger of change we need to be awakened by an evil little man. The title obviously is meant to be provocative but instead it just shows how asleep we are in its content. And makes it dangerous to even suggest the possibility that Trump is a light worker. Sometimes things are simple light is light and darkness is darkness. With this logic Hitler would’ve been our biggest hero to awaken us. Time to burn down this ancient paradigm that we need a “light worker” to be cloaked in darkness and evil intentions in order for us to wake up. The evil he has created is not worth anyone’s wake up call. No need to burn down the world in order for people to realize they can awaken without any of this evil. Sacrifice in order for awakening. We need to stop the crucifixion of humans so to speak in order to awaken. Time to grow out of this horrible pattern. Didn’t someone already get crucified to show us how ugly and small and asleep we are? I thimk I’ll stand with awakening without the suffering first. It’s a road not traveled but seems humane and perhaps its time has come. Let’s create a new kinder paradigm where no sentient being and the planet is sacrificed for our awakening. If we do that perhaps there will be fewer souls coming to this world cloaked in darkness. It’s time to change what we have created.
Hi Spiros,
Thanks for your comment. I totally agree with you that it shouldn’t be necessary for things to come to this, and yet here we are. My hope is that the present circumstances will jar a critical mass of folks awake so that we never have to go down this road again.
The crucifixion, as I see it, was a demonstration of how insane our ideas of separateness and judgment are, and how impotent the ego actually is to alter the Reality of Love. It was meant to do away with the very idea of “crucifixion,” yet that seems to be a concept people want to cling to.
(BTW, the title for this piece wasn’t selected to be provocative. It the verbatim phrase a lot of people are Googling these days.)
Why would the title be provocative.. ?? Just Wondering? Does that appear to be suggesting something offensive or heinous such as spying on peoples internet activity? Through The Dark Web “Lightworkers” use calling this Lightwork?
Fully Agree with the Comment Above calling out this article… how & what way should anyone promote this Man Clown as a Decent Human Primary “Catalyst” being when clearly he’s just not. Easy you call him a “Lightworker” because your sense of Higher Judgment or Discernment is Damaged severely. Even the in-between iTs questionable The Story (Of the Millenia) Truly Boils Down to simple Common Sense. That’s not about Superiority or Separation that’s about fact. Being (in your face) in denial of realty and Higher Truth = Living with Separation Consciousness. – The Only Cruc-i-fi[c]ton is the Cross One Bares (bearing Wetness through their Human form this form of distorted Consciousness) There is no Real Fake Crucifix – the Only Crucifix (One ever Truly bares) the Cross one Carries along the road of the Middle Ascendant Path.. .Not the false projection of Being crucified
How can a Mortal Man be seen as a guru to the Seeping Masses? Because TV brainwashed and fooled us into Believing what we ‘think’ its also Real. When its truly Not.. Just Saying there is alot of this happening within the “Lightworkers Community”.
What Brought me here to ths article finally is seriously Wondering How the hex Someone can actually think that (Trump is a Lightworker) and assume they’re correct in their poor judgement. Thanks for Clarifying the Difference here. For us Ego is generally the Most Hated — most Denied and Suppressed — Hidden misunder/innerstood part of our Psyche & we often mistake the Ego for our Higher Judgement. Ego is basically our Template for our Human Consciousness/Awareness. Of Self and or ‘Other’ or surrounding Environment in Relation to: Lower/Higher Self. ts really important to not have a Damaged Ego.
Wow! Thank you Spiros and Patricia for succinctly explaining this – I, along with many of my friends have been torn, confused and bewildered hearing “Trump is a powerful lightworker”. This includes Lorie Ladd, and the the Galactic Federation.
Now I understand!
Nancy S.
My my
Hi Spiros. In my humble opinion you just showed how steeped someone can still be in the ego when they opine about the light and being a lightworker. It shows how duality still has a strong hold AND I will say this pertains to me as well for even responding to your response. Love you bro and wish you well
As lightworkers we should always reflect light where there is light. President Trump is shining light on a darkness that impacts our lives ever day. He is a rough vessel for sure, but the man is determined. I believe this goes way deeper than right vs left politics.
That is spot on, and wraps it up in a bit shell!
Thank you so much for this. It seems that the spiritual community has been infiltrated by those who, like Trump supporters, need another savior in order to deliver them from their fear.
Everything you said about the ego thought system, and the illusion of separation is spot on. I hope you don’t mind if I quote you in a private, spirituality-based Facebook group that I administer. This “Trump as Lightworker/Savior” has been creeping into our dialogue here and there. Your explanation of the situation is in complete alignment with the principles and tenets of our spiritual group, which follows the teachings of Jesus through A Course in Miracles and A Course of Love. Again, thank you for expressing this so perfectly ❤
I have been seeing a lot of people in the spiritual community that are for Trump claiming he is going up against the illuminati/cabal/deep state. They believe Trump cant be controlled by the cabal and that he will finally give us disclosure of our brothers and sisters from other planets. I do agree with them that there is a powerful elite people that are withholding vast amount of information and maybe that he cant be controlled. They also believe certain politician (like Hillary and others are involved in pedophilia and human trafficking). I do believe pedophilia and human trafficking exist and probably politician are involved and other powerful people as well. All that being said I just cant fully be on board with Trump and I just cant overlook his character. Some of these people have flat out said they are willing to overlook a lot for Trump. I feel torn because i agree with a lot of what they say. If anyone has more insight please comment.
Thank you
I feel this very deeply! I too am struggling to be fully onboard with Trump. My main priority is the ascension, however it can be conflicting for the mind to look beyond certain 3D polarities, like our morals of “good” and “bad” or “right” and “wrong”. Whether people believe he is a lightworker or not doesn’t seem to matter as much as one might think, because either way he is a catalyst for our ascension and plays a very important role on the collective level. With that being said, it’s worth noting that, in alignment with oneness and Law of One, souls are not inherently good or bad. They just are! Actions and words may be good or bad, and obviously this could relate to Trump
However, I believe what’s even more important than seeing the bigger picture related to Trump and his role in our collective ascension, is OUR OWN role. Our own personal sovereignty is most important and will allow The Shift to take place. Just like the 100th Monkey Experiment… if we are able to raise our own vibration and consciousness, we will ultimately be helping the collective as well.
I still am trying to grasp all of this for myself and open myself to the different perspectives; I do believe there is much being done to hide the truth from the masses about the secrete elite/13 families running this planet, but also that much work is being done behind the scenes to help humanity wake up… By the one who incarnated as Donald Trump yes. I still have a hard time fully acknowledging that since being enlightened to his role in the bigger picture because of his character like you mentioned, and certain things he’s said/done. Again that goes back to the idea of souls, or anything really, not being good nor bad but rather words, actions, etc.; However, each passing day that we get closer to the US election I’ve realized that although I want my vote to so badly align with certain beliefs and perspectives, whoever I choose to vote for is a small act in comparison to the power I already hold within… to put myself and the collective on a faster path to ascension by raising my own vibration ??
If this helps… I’m considering voting 3rd party and remaining “neutral”. This is what my higher self has channeled to me. Focus on the internal not the external and prioritize my own sovereignty and vibration above all. I’m still undecided tho and also seeking insight for those who wish to share any! 3D is becoming too heavy to bear, but that’s how you know we’re close to 5D!
Sending light and blessings
Oh yes Jamie, I couldn’t agree with you more. I wish I had more to say but I am just so thankful that I found everyone here.
Interesting, Jamie, profound, Thanks
To *overlook, is what *forgiveness means. You are doing fine, trust the process.
Hello. I read with interest what you said. I differ with the basic opinions here. I believe our president IS a lightworker albeit an Unaware one. The fact that our country has NOT been in a war in four years DOES serve the light. The desire with Many to expose the lies and deceptions Serves the light etc. Etc. We are ALL of and from the light so to suggest that our President is Not a lightworker unfortunately FEELS to me like unresolved egoic mind issues. I believe one can be a lightworker without being aware of it or not showing outward signs. Who here KNOWS what his soul contract is. Just saying
Donald J. Trump is a liar, con-artist, fraud, and sexual predator. He is the farthest thing from a light worker you will ever find.
So thankful to have found you and this article. Last week I read a post on a lightworker ‘s facebook page and I was really surprised by how many people here (Belgium, Netherlands) saw Trump as a true lightworker. Some of them called him even a Master. They also foresaw another 4 years of presidency because he would reveal and bring to the light that the election results where a fraud (ballots would have been printed with a special invisible mark!!!! that now would reveal that the election results were manipulated). I could not believe my eyes when reading this. I felt the need to put a comment and stated that I thought Trump was a teacher who invited us to go within and look for our own shadow. I have always seen him that way. I also stated that I could not see him as a lightworker because I believe that true lightworkers and Masters do not work that way. And that lightworkers also may fail when they are trapped in their ego. I did not get much response 🙂
Saint Paul the apostle was a mass murderer, and a light worker. Perception is backwards and upside down, I must remind myself of this often.
I was so surprised that David Wilkcock was into that idea of the invisible mark corn ink BS. I think I am going to use that as a litmus test of who to listen to. I have felt so happy I have found Jessa Reed at her Soberish podcast her point was Trump would get us there faster but there would be so much more pain. Also to those who say he is fighting sex trafficking he is at the same time ripping families apart at the border.
While this is very well written, and might lead 1 to believe the writer is a light worker, notice the judgment projection, from what is in the mind of the writer onto Trump.
It is very well disguised.
“Perception is a mirror, not a fact. 4 And what I look on is my state of mind, reflected outward.”
Projecting this onto Trump is just the ego slipping into the back door, and fooling the writer, Lol.
I Lol because it’s funny and happens to me a lot.
I very respectfully disagree with your judgment of President Trump. He is not only a lightworker but a bridge builder. I intuitively know that. Thank you for listening.
Thank you thank you thank you. I read this because my mind was boggled as to why people would even ask if Trump is a light worker. All I can say is that, in order for good to exist, evil must also exist…and then there’s also things are not good or evil or perhaps both good and evil.