I’ve been following the latest happenings in the American Dream, in particular the January 6th hearings, and they’re pretty eye-opening. They are revealing so much more than what was taking place behind the scenes of Trump’s attempted coup.
Since the moment Donald Trump walked onto the political stage I have seen him as someone playing a key role in our collective awakening. Not because he is a light worker doing battle with the forces of evil, as some believe, but rather I see him as a supreme depiction of the ego-mind. I see him showing us quite clearly how the ego-mind operates so that we can see it in ourselves and begin to dis-identify with it.
How egoic “reality” is sustained
Yesterday’s hearing focused on how Trump continued to promote the narrative that there was widespread election fraud even though all of the key players in his inner circle were telling him that was nonsense. But because he so desperately wanted to stay in power, he relentlessly asserted that falsehood over and over and over again until people came to believe it.
The revelation here, at least for me, is how egoic “reality” is sustained through the mechanism of repetition. It isn’t the veracity of a story, but its sheer repetition that leads the mind to embrace it as real.
Thanks to this congressional hearing, we can see how naive the human mind really is. Furthermore, we can see that once the mind has embraced a story, no matter how absurd, it begins to give that story shape in the world of form. If we ever doubt that, all we need to do now is remember how an aggrieved mob attacked the Capitol because of a lie.
The Real Big Lie
Trump’s assertion that the election was stolen has been labeled the Big Lie, but for me that is an exageration. The actual Big Lie is the one we tell ourselves over and over and over again in our own minds: that we are unworthy, that we are not enough, that we are separate and alone.
This is the Big Lie that has caused us so much suffering. This is the Big Lie that has directed the dream we are dreaming and shaped the world we are creating. This is the Big Lie that has left us feeling alienated from Earth, from the Source of our Being, from our very Self.
Hearing an angelic perspective
I’m deeply grateful for the congressional committee that is conducting these hearings and giving us a look under the hood at how the ego-mind actually works and how readily we play along. And as I watch these hearings I am also imagining another parallel proceeding happening on the non-visible plane: a select angelic committee conducting their own hearings.
I can imagine this angelic committee, without any judgment whatsoever, lovingly pulling back the curtain to help us see how we have been duped by our own minds. I can imagine them compassionately breaking the news to us that we have been living inside a fabricated “reality” based on a colossal lie.
I can imagine them tenderly and tenaciously repeating to us—over and over and over again so that we might finally come to believe it—the Big Truth: that we are, each of us, luminous beings embodying the Divine and inseparable from Love.
I can also imagine them trying very hard to hold it together while they lay out before us all the nonsense we have fallen for. And I can easily imagine them finally losing it and busting out into the most glorious laughter at this whole tale we have spun for ourselves about how we are unworthy, not enough, on our own. Because, really. With a story this far-fetched what can one possibly do but laugh?
Another beautiful use of analogy to help us reflect on our true reality. The Big Lie has been perpetrated, as you say, by Trump, but also significantly helped by “respected” others whom many people believed where telling them the truth. Now hopefully everyone will finally see through these lies.
Just as the repetition of the “Big Lie” resulted in many faithful followers, repetition of the “Big Truth” through messages like this will result in vastly more faithful followers across the planet.