In light of the increasing hostility toward those who do not conform to conventional gender norms, in this podcast we take a look at gender fluidity and its important role in our collective awakening.
Helping You Be the Change
In light of the increasing hostility toward those who do not conform to conventional gender norms, in this podcast we take a look at gender fluidity and its important role in our collective awakening.
Thank you, Patricia, for your bright light and consistent visibility. You are a lighthouse.
This is the first time I’ve ever wondered if we see things somewhat differently. (What a breath of fresh air–as Oscar Wilde said, “Please disagree with me, I don’t want to be bored.”) I won’t try to explore all the ways in which we see this matter differently–and of course we dovetail on this matter in many ways–and I have always treated transgendered people no differently from non (if not making an extra effort to be kind), just as all people deserve.
I believe that within 200 years we will be more like those on other star systems who probably don’t have “masculine” or “feminine” in their dictionaries–they have advanced. I embrace my inner sacred masculine and divine feminine (as I’m sure you do). I find it confusing to use the LGBT acronym because there is no confusion around the fact that I’m gay. There is confusion underlying the need to make a big deal out of sensing the inner feminine (divine feminine or distorted feminine) and deciding that changing one’s body is called for. I’m confident that eventually we will evolve to a place of clarity around living in the fullness of both and celebrating both regardless of our bodies and celebrating whichever may be primary regardless of whether or not it matches the physicality. The path of embracing all that is within us is ultimately the most important in this matter from where I sit at this point in my life. And as with so many social matters, I wish the government would reign itself into other things like foreign affairs.
Once again, thank you for your presence in this public space. I belong to you.
I appreciate your thought provoking explanation of this current situation and ways in which we can actually be of help. I shared this with friends who have been directly affected and know that with Love in our hearts, all things are possible. Onward thru the fog!
Dear Patricia, your sharing on gender fluidity is very insightful and open and generous. I use the word, generous because this is what an open -minded spirit is. There is nothing so open-minded and generous as Love. I feel the presence of Love in your words.
I have very close friends whose son is now in transition to be their daughter. It is interesting what it brings up for me and others, especially under the circumstances that he/she is addicted to computer world and it is this that has convinced him he will be happier in the opposite sex. I do find this difficult because he/she is not social at all and very recluse with only computer world as company. This is also in the mix of gender fluidity. A big subject in today’s tech world.
As always, your perspective softens stuck corners in my perceptions. I forwarded your podcast to my friends and they really liked it. Thank you for your generosity of spirit.