Dear Mr. Trump,
At the risk of blowing your cover I want to express my deepest gratitude to you for the monumental challenge you took on in this lifetime to be a catalyst for our awakening.
You have been the asteroid that slammed into the world ego built, and your timing was impeccable because we had gotten so out of alignment with the balance of life on this planet that prior to your arrival our future was very much up in the air.
It was unfathomable to most of us that things could implode so quickly. We have been aghast to see just how fragile our social contract had become, how much our sense of responsibility for one another had unraveled, how shaky the girders were that held this country together. Seeing it all fall apart so quickly has been as shocking as seeing the World Trade Towers collapse into a storm of debris in a matter of hours on a bright September morning.Continue Reading