A few weeks ago I had a dream that seemed quite significant for me personally, but I wanted to share the ending of the dream because I think it has universal meaning.
At the very end of the dream I am with a couple other women who begin to sing a song. One of the women, to help me sing along, holds up the lyrics. But actually what she holds up is an empty frame.
The song they are singing says, “We are one. We are one. Some choose to remember. Some choose to forget.” It isn’t conveying any judgment about this choice. The song is simply stating a fact: some choose to remember; some choose to forget.
All of us have come to this planet to experience one of those two things, and in a sense Earth is a vast playground for us to explore and live out our choice. Here we can experience what it is to live as embodied beings in awareness of our oneness, or we can experience the impossible—separateness—which requires that we forget the truth of oneness. And this is a choice we each make for ourselves, a soul choice that we cannot force on anyone else.
We see both of these choices playing out in our world today. It is almost as if two different, parallel worlds are arising, one which continues to play out the illusion of separateness and one which is exploring ways in which to bring forth into full expression and manifestation the truth of our oneness.
As for myself, I am quite clear that I have chosen to discover what it is to live in embodied form fully aware of my oneness with All, fully aware that I exist only in relationship.
Do I get lost sometimes in the machinations of the mind, caught up in the stories and illusions of separateness and division? Sure I do. But I am able to see them now for what they are and I am able to disengage from them because I no longer believe in them. They have simply lost their credibility for me.
I have written many times that at the core of the illusion of separateness is judgment, and that without judgment the egoic thought structure collapses. That is why the most significant message for me of the song in the dream wasn’t that we are one, which isn’t news to me, nor that some remember and some forget, which is pretty obvious if you look around. The essential teaching was that there is no judgment about the choice that we make.
The woman in the dream offered me a frame, and this is the gift we are all given, isn’t it? We are given the power to frame how we see our lives, how we see this time we are in, how we see this soul choice we and others have made. Will we place all things within the frame of the absolute nature of Love?
For those of us who have come here to remember our oneness, I see this time on the planet as our initiation. Can we be in the midst of this drama of division that is playing out on the world stage and remember that it isn’t Real? Can we recognize division as the illusion that it is? Can we opt out of the temptation to rail against it, which only gives the illusion credence in our minds, and instead dispel it with the Light of Love?
And are we willing to make space for those who want to be on this planet experiencing separateness? Can we hold them and their choice in Love? Not joining them in their illusion, certainly, but honoring that this is their choice to make? And are we willing to steadfastly hold our awareness in the truth of our union with the All even when some may reject and attack that understanding?
And are we willing to join together to bring forth the world that reflects the truth of oneness, that reflects the truth of Love, and not allow ourselves to be dissuaded or hindered by those who have chosen differently?
We who have come to remember, who have chosen to realize our divine nature and awaken to the Christ consciousness that we are, have also chosen this initiation for ourselves. We have chosen to be present on the planet at this precise moment because we are ready and willing to leave all forgetfulness behind. We are ready and willing to be Heaven on Earth.
And it just may be that as we do so, some of our kindred souls may remember that they, too, chose to remember.