Ever since Donald Trump appeared on the political scene I have seen him as symbolizing the ego patterns that we must now leave behind if we are to survive as a species on this planet. By depicting in such an overt manner how the ego mind operates, what it believes, and how it plays out in the world, Trump has precipitated a jump into warp speed of our awakening process.
Recently, there have been reports that his mental health is deteriorating due to the loss of the election and his waning ability to bend circumstances to conform to his will—something that in the past he has always seemed to manage.
Symbolically, this is showing us the ultimate impotence of ego. Other than within the confines of its own fabricated alternative world, it has never been able to alter Reality, which is Love. The attempt to do so—to fracture Reality, to overturn Love—has been the great egoic escapade humanity undertook, and we have failed. Not for lack of effort, but simply because it can’t be done.
At the center of the current political crisis has been Donald Trump’s unwillingness to concede. But as someone enacting the ego, he cannot. Etymologically, “concede” means to yield completely. This is impossible for ego because ego is itself the mind’s act of resistance against Reality. Ego is the mind’s invention that enabled it to play out its fantasy of separateness, a fantasy that is now collapsing. That Donald Trump is experiencing in his person the existential angst of that collapse is cause for great compassion.
During this Christmas season, Trump’s inability to concede is made even more poignant when we see that in the Christmas narrative Mary does just the opposite. She yields completely.
Mary has a direct experience of a Reality greater than her temporal personhood, knows it to be Love, recognizes that she is joined with It, and as a result births It in the world of form.
While Trump resists, Mary yields. Not in the sense of surrendering or negating her Selfhood, but in the sense of accepting her Selfhood as one with—and co-creator with—the Divine Realm.
I find it telling that the word yield has a double meaning. It means accepting, but it also means bearing, as the fruit tree yields its fruit. By conceding to Love, Mary conceives It, and gives expression to It in human form.
In a non-dual understanding of the Christmas story, Mary wasn’t an empty vessel for Christ to come forth. Christ-nature already existed within her—as it exists within us all—and because she was willing to yield to that truth, she bore it in the world.
In this season of Christmas, the stark juxtaposition of these two characters, Trump and Mary, is placing before each of us a question and an invitation.
Are we willing to drop our resistance to the Reality of Love? Are we willing to yield to our inter-existence with All That Is? Are we willing to know our Self as an expression of the Infinite in form? Are we willing to accept our own Selfhood as co-creator with the Reality of Love? Are we willing to allow the Christ-nature that is within us to be expressed in this world? Are we willing to allow a new humanity to be born in and through us? Are we willing to concede that the reign of ego is over?
Thank you Patricia. I see more and more how the ego operates and I recognize its quietly moving within myself. Sometimes it is sneaky, but I’m more hip to it now. It leads me away from who I really am, a being of love, a being of peace. Beginning to read a book “God Without Religion.” The Forward and the preface are powerful. What will the rest of the book be like… Thanks for all you do and for how you have pointed me to who I really am…
Hugs and Blessings… Gretchen
During the past Christmas holiday times, birth, death, and emerging light-awakening led me to consider Ram Dass’ words “when we practice dying, we are learning to identify less with the ego and more with the Soul.” At this Christmas time, the juxtaposition of birth and a non-resistance to dying emerges as a means of seeing the nature of our soul existence more clearly. I recall Mary Baker Eddy’s writings about having less illusion-ego and more Soul. Over these past few weeks, a rather compassionate view of Trump has emerged. It is not pity for him, but a willingness to see how his ego simply can’t do any better than it is doing. Ironically, in this season full of Christ-light, life seems so dark for him. Taking a bit of a leap, I have seen some many beautiful happenings emerge during these dark Covid months. Could it be the extreme darkness Trump experiences at this time, is but a possible awakening to Christ-consciousness? The foundation of my Christmas prayer comes from a line of Marianne Williamson’s Daily Prayer, May I see the love and innocence in all mankind, behind the masks we all wear and the illusions of this world plane.
Love and light, Jaye Houston
Wonder-full writing, thank you Patricia and Happy Christ-Mass!
Reading your beautiful words give me hope, like when you see a flock of pigeons in the sunshine, the bottom of their wings glinting of silver, it lifts your heart with love and connection to the divine
Thankyou dearest soul .
Such a deep and inspiring perspective! Thank you Patricia.
Of course, the essential practice is love. In all our traditions.
I believe that trump’s purpose on this earth is to show us the ego or the selfish side of humanity so that we can see it and hopefully transcend it….just like judas’s purpose in his life was to betray Jesus so the resurrection could take place. I do believe that the light will overcome the darkness and we will learn that we are all one. And not free til we are all free. Thank you for your wisdom. Merry christmas and believe in 2021 rev joyce meder
Good Christmas morning ?
I will feel compassion for Trump (if my better nature wins out over MY ego) once he no longer has any governmental power. But until that time, I still wake up everyday wary of what madness he may have perpetrated while I slept. The man’s EGO is relentless. Perhaps EGO is relentless when never challenged or re-evaluated in the face of spiritual truth. The Western world is an EGO world. Much of the once proverbial spiritual Eastern world is now westernized. I honestly don’t get where people are getting all this hope and sense of a great awakening. When the Roman Empire fell, a 1000 year Dark Age followed, not an age of bliss and Oneness with God and others. Barbarity ensued and, as usual, the poor peasants (that is us, by the way) of the world had to sign away their lives to a feudal Lord to survive. I do fear sometimes that people who are far within a spiritual New Age/New Thought Bubble lose touch with current reality. 74 MILLION Americans voted to continue the reign of the EGO under it’s greatest poster child of all time, Donald Trump. The world is racked in suffering and pain. 40,000 children (per the UN statistics) die EVERY SINGLE DAY on this planet from starvation. Remember this when you are tempted to go into a lovely self-absorbed meditative state to receive words of wisdom about your career or “next step” presumably from God or your higher self or ascended masters or whatever angels you believe in. While I also see Jesus as the avatar of a totally different way of living, I do NOT see a golden age upon the horizon, even if the people you happen to consort with happen to be “woke” or enlightened. Most of the world is still just struggling to survive and we advance (per the old Catholic teaching of my childhood) by supporting someone else who can’t walk as we saunter into heaven. In other words, it isn’t about YOU, which can be a form of blasphemy to the New Age/New Thought middle class people who walk around in a bliss-ninny trance state. Jesus did not come to make people self-satisfied with their aura’s or enlightenment. He invited us to leave our tiara’s in the closet and get down in the trenches and work, as Patricia did in Central America. What am I babbling about? I guess I just wanted to emphasize that there is just as much EGO as Trump displays (like a bull in a china cabinet) within the so-called cutting edge spiritual world. The EGO adapts very fast to whatever milieu you move into. Catholic Mass Incense or Shamanic Smudge Pots. Same difference. Don’t think a different form equates to leaving behind your ego. Unlike Patricia, I could never afford to go running around the country going to spiritual celebrity retreats or going to a ranch resort to “find myself” in a labyrinth. I had to make due with a book in Starbucks. I wish everyone a truthful journey. But never pretend to be more spiritually advanced than you are. We may proclaim ONENESS but we still must deal with a duality world. We aren’t even unified within ourselves, much less one with the entire universe. And no, I have at this point no compassion for Trump. He let over 300,000 people die. He still proclaims that the virus is a hoax. On January 21st, I will re-open his file and see if there is any chance of compassion.