I first started noticing several weeks ago that people were Googling the question “is trump a lightworker” and finding their way to my website. It’s a question that has also come up recently in a couple of personal communications, so I wanted to offer my perspective on that question.
If you have followed my work at all, you know that I see Trump as someone who is serving as a catalyst for our collective awakening. He is creating the ideal conditions for us to examine our own unconscious behaviors and become aware of how the ego mind operates within ourselves.
By ego, I mean a false self that the mind generates when it adopts the fallacious idea of separateness. Separateness isn’t real, and so, for the mind to experience separateness it must generate a self that isn’t real that can play out that fallacy. Hence, the ego.
It is the illusion of separateness that gives rise to all the things we are now, in this age of COVID and Trump, having to acknowledge: the racism, misogyny, greed, exploitation, devastation of the environment, injustices of every kind. All of it is the story the ego weaves out of this fallacious idea of separateness, and for us to move into the age before us, they are things that must be acknowledged and released.Continue Reading