This being the time of Thanksgiving here in the U.S. I thought I would share some recent experiences and reflections on gratitude.
I have come to see gratitude as the energy that fuels Creation. While judgment is the fuel of the ego mind and keeps its world spinning, gratitude is the fuel that enables Love to extend and amplify Itself in new and beautiful ways.
The Gratitude of the Spirit Realm
One morning not too long ago, while I was in the kitchen getting my breakfast ready, I suddenly felt a welling up of joy and gratitude within me. This is something I experience from time to time, but what was different that morning was that the gratitude I was experiencing was the gratitude the Spirit Realm has for me.
It was a potent energy that infused my whole being. As I opened myself to it and received it, I realized that I was closing the loop—closing the circuit for Creation’s current of gratitude to flow unhindered. I also realized how often I turn it away.
I suspect that most of us have gotten pretty good at deflecting gratitude, maybe as a way of preserving our precious belief that we don’t deserve it. Yet our willingness to receive gratitude is just as important as our willingness to offer it, because it is the unbroken loop of gratitude’s giving-receiving that keeps Creation blossoming in new ways.
Gratitude and the Great Transformation
Recently, while in a spiritual consultation session with a client, I felt such immense gratitude pouring through me, not just for him but for all of us humans who are here on the planet taking part in this Great Transformation. We are in the thick of it now as the fear, the traumas, the wounds of the past are all erupting to the surface so that they can be seen clearly, held lovingly, and released completely.
Most of us go through our days believing our lives are fairly inconsequential and completely oblivious to the magnitude of gratitude the Spirit Realm has for us. But every now and then we may get a glimpse of what is really happening here. We may begin to see that we are taking part in an epic moment on this planet as, in our big ways and small ways, we are choosing to orient ourselves toward Love.
Hastened by the intensity of the fear and division, we are choosing to let go of our own long-cherished stories of inadequacy. We are yielding to the unknown New that wants to arise. We are opening ourselves to the flow of gratitude that in this very moment is fueling the Beloved World that is emerging within us and among us.